Your eyes pierce through Miguel's as he walks into the bathroom, slipping by in just a towel. You stare dumbfoundedly, your eyes flickering up and down.

"Now what in the hell are you doing-".

"I need to shower. Is that illegal?". Miguel huffs.

"Can it wait?".

"I think my shower matters more than your makeup" Miguel responds, shutting the curtains behind him as your eyes track the towel that's tossed over them, the shower water running suddenly.

You roll your eyes, continuing to prep yourself as your phone dings, making you smile. He's messaged you again, causing your heart to flutter. Maybe this guy can be the one-

"Is that your new boyfriend?". Miguel cuts your thoughts  intrusively. You dart to stare at him as he peeks his head out of the curtains, his hair flat and disheveled, his eyes glaring at your phone, trying to read the message from a distance.

"Hopefully" you sigh, putting on your last touches. Miguel huffs, returning to the shower as you walk out to go get dressed into something better. You slip on a tight long sleeve, slipping on some knee high shorts that cling to your thighs perfectly.

"Good job Y/n". You smile to yourself, taking a good look in the mirror before looking at your texts again. You whistle to yourself, excited for his arrival as you pace around your apartment, causing Miguel to roll his eyes each time he sees you pass by the bathroom.


Miguel's eyes glare into the back of your guys heads, mostly his. The way his arm snaked around your shoulder had him gritting his teeth. Although he shouldn't be watching in the first place, it was his apartment too.

"Miguel? You good man?". Your date asks, Turning to frown at Miguel with a laugh.

Miguel almost lunged, that cruel mocking laugh made his skin boil. He stood a few feet away from the couch where you and your date were "relaxing" and watching a movie. That could've been him...could've been-

"Miguel?". Your voice causes his eyes to dart to you, wanting nothing more to hear you say that this wasn't gonna last. But you didn't. You just stared at him like he was insane.

"Did you...wanna join us or..?". Your sentence trails, trying to discover Miguel's weird pose and stare. Miguel shifts for a moment, as if he had to think about his answer that he already decided on before silently walking to the couch. You moved closer to your date, giving him room on the couch as Miguel sat down next to you.

Your date seemed uncomfortable, but didn't want to cause a scene. Your date was glaring daggers back and forth between Miguel and the tv, trying to figure out his deal.

"Do you wanna head to your room?". Your date whispers in your ear, causing you to jump at the sudden suggestion, your skin prickling and melting at the seems. Before you could answer, Miguel had a hand on your thigh.

"Your studies, did you get that assignment done?". Miguel's voice seems half annoyed and half curious. You turn to Miguel with a raised eyebrow, engaging into the conversation harmlessly, making your date frown.

"Yeah it was tough, but I think the pizza did the trick. Got it submitted just in time".

Miguel mirrored your innocent smile, his ego inflating when he saw your date losing his grip. You may have been oblivious, but it didn't take much for you to put two and two together to have multiple questions for Miguel buried in the back of your head.

You awkwardly shifted between them, wiggling deeper into the couch as if you were trying to disappear into it. You didn't really consider it, but it started to occur to you that something was wrong when the two of them were glaring at each other more than the movie, which you were more interested in if you were being honest-


"What the hell is wrong with you?!". You shout at the top of your lungs, your voice booming off of the walls, bouncing all towards Miguel as he remained with his arms crossed, denying any action that made him guilty.

It wasn't often, but it was certainly an occurrence when you two would argue with each other. Wether it be over food, his sex habits, or something that yours or his short temper just couldn't handle.

This time, the argument was justifiable as you sit and scream at Miguel for ruining your date when you went to use the bathroom. Something had to have happened because when you returned, your date was gone, and you intended to find out why.

"He was just gonna use you anyway, I did you a favor". Miguel huffed angrily.

"YOU don't get to decide!". You shout even louder, pointing an accusing finger that pressed into his chest harshly. He stared at your finger for a moment, contemplating something in his head before grabbing that hand, an unbelievable grip that you couldnt pull away from.


"Mi Cariño, you need to trust me. You don't want a man that will just use you".

"Miguel you-". Before you could go on another rant of his hypocrisy, his words hit you like a ton of bricks. Did he really just say that? Your head pounded as his usual stone cold face was sitting with a soft expression.

It felt like silence consumed the both of you as you stared at him with disbelief. He wasnt arguing with you anymore. He looked genuinely upset. His grip on your hand loosened slightly, lips parting as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out.

"Y/n! C'mon we're late!". Your childhood friend ruined the most precious moment of your life as she busted through yours and Miguel's door with a large smile. Miguel took a step away from you, releasing your hand and walking to his room quickly.

You watched him leave, your heart rate beginning to slow down again as your friend slung an arm around you, pulling you out the door to go to class.


Her.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora