"So we meet again"

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Jasmines point of view:

I looked down at my phone to look for my next class.
N3-Dutch by N. Jacqueline
Why just why. I hated that woman. We had her last year as class representative and I swear she had it out for me. Every day we'd get into an argument or discussion.
I walked in, like 5 minutes early.
A pair of hands reached themselves over my shoulders and I turned around to see Miss Jacqueline her face. "Hey" She grinned. "Didn't know you'd greet me like that" My face heated up by how close she was. "So we meet again hm" The blonde smiled sweetly down towards me. She was a whole head taller than me and it was honestly intimidating. Her hand was still placed onto my shoulder as she stepped closer. "You want a hug? I know that's why you came early" There was one thing I liked about her, it was the way she held me sometimes. "Yea if it's okay with you.." I felt how she wrapped her arms around me and gently placed her head against mine. My head was laid right onto her chest just above her breasts. "How long do you intend on hanging onto me?" She chuckled at her own comment. "Dunno, as long as you'll let me I suppose" I could hear her heartbeat from where my head was placed. The feeling this gave me couldn't compare to anyone else their arms. There was something different about the way she held me. It wasn't just because I wanted to hug her that she held me at times, Nirya didn't hug other students. She only hugged me. Nobody could really get close to her because of her boundaries she always had. Don't get me wrong I'm not close to her but I did manage to kind of get her to go soft on me at times.
After about 4 minutes I let myself sink deeper into her body. "You know class starts in like a minute right?" There was a slight tone of sadness in her voice that I hadn't heard before. "I know just give me a few more seconds" She sighed before pulling her arms away from me. "Do we have assigned seats again?" One of the other students asked while walking in. "Yea I'll get right to telling you all where to sit give me a moment"'Miss Jacqueline answered her in that cold tone I was so used to.

My seat was all the way in the back. Luckily she put me alone and not next to someone. She knew very well I'd make a big deal out of it.
The class passed quickly as Nele let everyone introduce themselves.
They got the chance to ask her questions. Most of them were pretty standard like: 'do you have any pets?' or 'how old are you?' Then there came one very unexpected question.
"Miss what's your sexuality?" One of the highclass girls asked it purely because she's homophobic.
"I'm bisexual and happily taken for anyone wondering" Nirya answered while looking at me. Why was she looking at me?
The bell rang and I packed up my notepad. Just as I was about to leave I felt a hand on my wrist. My head turned around to meet the blonde her greenish eyes. "Stay a bit longer?" She asked sweetly. "I wish I could but I have French" Her lip pouted and I closed the door behind me. "I thought you had French?" "I'd rather annoy you Nirya" That stare of hers could kill me right now. "Don't use my first name" "And don't you use that tone towards me" seriously where is my confidence coming from.

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