Case of Assault Incident Class D

Start from the beginning

Kamukura did a small bow as he finished his introduction.

His voice sounded remarkably bored, yet he grabbed the attention of everyone in the room. Suzune could immediately tell he had talent in public speaking. The vice president had a charisma that matched Nii-san. He also reminded her of another voice that was often in monotone with the owner sitting next to her.

"While he is a first-year student, Izuru-kun has sworn impartiality as with all student council members. If I notice anything other than objectivity, he has agreed to be removed from his position without complaint. For now, treat me as just another fly on the wall. Not everyone here is a related party, after all." Manabu ended his words specifically looking at Ayanokoji-kun. "Tachibana, continue."

The girl nodded as she then moved next to Kamukura who had taken his seat again. While those in Class C exchanged glances, no protest was made so Tachibana continued.

"For now, we wish to ascertain which version of the events is the truth. May I continue?" Tachibana gave the expressionless Kamakura a glance which he responded to with a small nod. She then turned to the seated Class C.

"Komiya-kun and the other two, you insist you went to the special annex building by Sudo-kun after he called you there. After which, you claim to have been all beaten up by only Sudo."

Attention was then given to the sude of Class D.

"This is denied by Sudo the defendant. He insists that, after club practice, it was Komiya and Kondou, also both in the basketball club, who had called him there. "

At that point, Sudo couldnt help but deny and atarted shouting accross his table which encouraged Class C to do the same.

"That's a lie. Sudo-kun called us over to the special building."

"Don't screw with me, Komiya! You were the one who called me, you jerk!"

"Sudo-kun beat us senseless. It was a one-sided fight."

"That's a lie. They attacked first. It was self-defense!"

"Please desist." A harsh wave washed over the whole room as the red eyes of the Vice President bore down on all. He did not shout yet his voice spoke over Komiya and Sudo who had both shut up. It was a stern tone that took its time yet implied immense violence to those that headed before it.

One only top Gang Leaders and Yakuza used to have get even the most hardened criminals on their knees.

The three from Class C had wide eyes and pale faces, immediately cowering as their automatic response to intimidation tactics. Even their teacher, Sakagami-sensei looked surprised.

On Class D's side, the smile had left Chabashira-sensei's lips. Sudo remained frozen while Airi looked as white as a sheet. Ayanokoji turned his glance to see that, at the very least, this had taken Horikita out of whatever funk she had been in. The icey beauty was now sitting straight up and hed full attention.

"You will both only speak unless asked. I am only asking as you have been rude to our student secretary who was still speaking. Tachibana-senpai. Please continue."

Unaffected, the secretary gave a thankful glance to the Kamukura.

"Both sides have given their grievances with both versions of events contradictory. This is pertaining to which side invited the other as well as the nature of the fight. Class C insists it was, in their words, a one-sided beatdown while Sudo claims it was for because of self-defense implying Class C had attacked him first."

Sudo looked tense and ready to speak up but hearing his side actually being brought up brought him some relief, even getting an excited nod. Unfortunately, the next words dropped a pit in his stomach.

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