A Queen & Two Jokers

Start from the beginning

Hyuna honestly didn't care if they promoted it here or not, the commercial was in her break into America, even if it is a small step.

Hyuna sat back in the chair as they talked, she was mainly there if she had any ideas and to say that she was here for the meeting, They actually did all the arranging though. As her mind started to wonder, her phone went off. They glanced at Hyuna and she excused myself from the room to answer without looking to see who was calling.

"Eh Hyuna?" She blinked in surprise when she heard Hyunseung's voice. He started talking again when she didn't answer him rite away,"Hyuna?"

Hyuna shook her head and laughed,"Hey oppa-sorry. Are you okay? You don't usually call me." She nodded as she wondered down the hall.

He sighed into the phone and answered with a heavy voice,"No-I have been down lately. I think it's because when I went to visit home, it reminded me of my father."

Hyuna nodded slowly,"Do you want to talk? I am at the company rite now."

"Me too, me too. I am up in 209 recording studio. Where are you? I'll meet you there." He answered with a happier spirit in his voice.

"Eh-I'm on the bottom floor. I'll wait for you by the elevators." She nodded and hung up after he agreed. She didn't know why, but she found myself smiling as she thought of him calling her for help.

She skipped over to the elevator and leaned against the wall. She smiled wider as she heard the soft ding of the elevator. She turned she was facing the elevator when it opened.

Hyunseung smiled at her and waved,"Hi Hyuna." He walked out of the elevator.

Hyuna waved and smiled at him,"Hi oppa! Lets go to a cafe. First let me go tell Jin oppa I am leaving." She turned and ran back to the room and popped her head inside,"Eh-I'll be back later. Just call me okay?" She smiled and waved to them as she closed the door quietly.

Hyunseung laughed as she ran back over to him,"Ready?" She smiled and nodded as she fixed her scarf.

He smiled and stepped back a bit so she could walk first,"You want to eat too?" He asked her as they walked out the front door.

She smiled up at him as he caught up with her, "Do you want to eat oppa?" He laughed and shook his head.

"Ah-I asked you first. Don't give an answer based on what I want." He nodded and smiled at her. As he fixed his sunglasses.

Hyuna laughed and tugged on the ends of her scarf lightly and nodded,"I am hungry. I didn't eat this morning."

He shook his head and rubbed her shoulder lightly,"You need to take care of your health, you can't get sick."

She looked down as she felt her cheeks get warmer,"Ah oppa-you worry to much." She mumbled and shook her head. They walked into a small empty cafe' and went to the back to sit down.

Hyunseung ordered them some drinks as the waiter came over, Hyuna sat back as she glanced at the menu,"Oppa you order. I would take to long." She laughed and nodded as she put her menu down.

He smiled and nodded as he read the menu. The waiter came back over and after he put their order in, he sighed and sat back. Hyuna tilted her head as she poked his arm.

"What is wrong?" She nodded lightly and whispered.

Hyunseung looked at her and then back at the table,"I don't know. I miss my father a lot recently-" He stopped talking as their drinks were being set on the table and continued once the waiter left,"What if I fail now-am I even good enough to still be here?" He mumbled as he looked down at the table and folded his hands on top of it.

Hyuna nodded softly and touched his hand lightly as she looked up at him,"Oppa, you are great. You're father was really proud of you and you will continue to make him proud even now. You can't fail with everyone that matters to you is supporting you." She moved her hand and sat back as she looked at him.

He looked at her and nodded lightly,"Thank you Hyuna." He smiled at her softly,"I think I just needed to be reminded of that."

Hyuna smiled and nodded quickly,"I think everyone needs to be reminded of that." She looked up and smiled bigger,"Food!" She clapped and laughed quietly.

She moved the bowls on the table and set one in from of Hyunseung and handed him some utensils and danced a bit in her seat as the food was set on the table,"Yum." She smiled as she smelt it.

Hyunseung laughed and shook his head,"So cute." He muttered as he started to put some food in a bowl for her. She watched him and smiled to herself.

"Ah oppa-I am suppose to do this for you. Let me do finish it." She laughed as she tried to grab the bowl from him. He moved it away from her quickly and laughed.

He shook his head at her and smiled,"No-I'm going to make it for you. Since you helped me."

She covered her cheeks and laughed,"Ah Oppa-I don't mind helping you."

He handed her the bowl after he prepared it for her,"For you." He laughed and nodded. He grabbed the other bowl and made himself a bowl and began to eat.

They ate quietly,commenting on a favorite item every now and then. Once they finished she got out her wallet to pay, but Hyunseung shook his head as he handed the waiter his card. He smiled at Hyuna and nodded,"I got it covered."

She smiled slyly at him and narrowed her eyes as she smiled wider,"Eh-what's up with that oppa?"

He laughed and stood up as his card was returned to him and stretched his arms out,"C'mon, lets go walk since we just ate a lot."

She nodded and got up and walked out with him. As they started walking towards the park, Hyuna fixed her hair, suddenly feeling self-conscience about how she looked around him. Hyunseung smiled as he caught her out of the corner of his eye. She looked at the ground and smiled to herself.

"Eh Oppa- are you feeling better?" She glanced up at him and nodded.

He smiled down at her and nodded,"Much better, I think today would had gone differently if I didn't call you."

She looked away quickly as her cheeks grew pink,"Nah oppa-I think you would had been okay, even if you didn't call me." She looked around and smiled at the trees in the park. The day couldn't be any happier as the walked past people who living their own happy dreams.

He shook his and pulled them over to a small bench and sat down with her,"No I actually don't think I would had been okay. I've felt like for a few days now, but I didn't know who to talk to about it or how to deal with it." He looked over at her and lightly smiled at her.

She looked at him and glanced down as she blushed, she pursed her lips a bit as she looked back at him,"You're really sweet oppa. I guess it's the only way for me to repay you for helping when-when you don't realize it." She looked down and nodded lightly.

He tilted his head and watched her,"How do I help you?"

She shook her head,"A lot of people say things about me, but always remind me why I started this. To live out my dreams. You help me stay rooted." She glanced up at him and nodded lightly.

He smiled at her and hugged her from the side,"Ah Hyuna-people are crazy to not love you." He laughed quietly.

Hyuna covered her face and smiled big,"Ah Opp!" She screamed and laughed loudly,"You are crazy." She pushed against him as her face started to glow red.

He rubbed her head and smiled down at her as he loosened his grip on her,"I am crazy, but eh that can't be helped-especially right now." He turned his head a bit as he blushed lightly.

Hyuna smiled at him as she watched him,"Why are you crazy right now?" She tilted her head and held onto his arm lightly.

He looked back down at her and nodded,"You." Hyunseung smiled as he kissed the top of her head lightly.

Hyuna looked up at him and held her breath lightly, she touched his cheek lightly as she looked up at him. She wasn't to sure what was going through her head, but she liked what she was feeling. He grabbed her hand softly and looked down at her. They looked at each other for what seemed to be a lifetime before he muttered a few words to her that made her heart race.

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