Chapter 4

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Here is the next chapter..

Miss Faroganda's Pov
I was waiting for the Winx outside the entrance.And i saw the Winx.Flora was carrying a blond hair girl.And there was a strawberry hair girl with blue eyes standing next to her.
Bloom"Miss Faroganda,we need your help."
Me"Who did you bring?"
Anna"I'm Anna fairy of water and this is my sister(Pointing at Elsa)Elsa fairy of the ice and snow"
Me"Ice and snow"
Flora"You know her?"
Me"No.But i heard about a powerful fairy.Powerful than you Bloom.She had the power of ice and snow"
Musa"You can check her.If she is the one."
Me"I will"
Tecna"She also have a strong energy"
So i checked Elsa.And found out she was the one i heard about
Bloom"Is she the one?"
Me"Yes bloom"
Bloom"Good news Winx we found the fairy Daphne talking about"
Stella"Time for a celebration"
Musa"Wait Elsa is waking up."

Elsa's Pov
Me"Where am i?"
Bloom"You're in Alfea a school for faires"
Anna"Elsa i'm so glad you're awake(hugging me)"
Me"Who is she(pointing at Miss Faragonda)?"
Faroganda"I'm Miss Faroganda.Headmister of Alfea"
Faroganda"I'm so glad you came to Alfea"
Me"Oh i almost forgot to introduce myself"
Faragonda"No need Elsa.Your sister told me already"
Me"Thank you Anna"
Anna"How will i forget to introduce ny sister"
Faragonda"Are you really a fairy of ice and snow?"
Me"I am.Born with a power with two curse"
Lalya"What curse?"
Me"Nobody can take away my powers and i can keep any fairy transformation"

Tatanis's Pov
Me"I need to get that fairy Elsa"
Icy"Why my Tatanis?"
Me"I need her power so i can be king of the infanit ocean!"
Daphne"Even you try to take away her powers.It will be useless"
Me"Then do you know a way how?"
Daphne"I'll never tell you"
Me"Then tell me"
Daphne"Fine.You need to get her graduian.And turn her evil.So she can tell Elsa to come to the infanit ocean.And you can capture her.Turn her evil.And take away her memories and tell someone to keep it"
Me"Then i will capture Elsa(laughing)Trix go find Elsa's graduian"
1 hours later...
Icy"Here is Snowy.Elsa's gradiuan"
Snowy"You will never get away with this"
Me"Here we go(throwing a dark ball to Snowy)Now(The dark ball went to Snowy's heart)"
Snowy"No...(eyes become purple)..I'm in your service Tatanis"
Me"Good tell Elsa to come alone"

Anna's Pov
Me"When can we go home?"
Elsa"After our training competes(Sirenix box came in Elsa's hand and Snowy came out)"
Stella"Now what?"
Snowy"Elsa you have to go to the infanit ocean alone"
Snowy"Just come alone(and went inside the Sirenix box and disapper)"
Elsa"I have to go"
Me"No Elsa i'm going with you"
Elsa"No Anna stay here"
(Elsa's transformation starts)
Sirenix....Sirenix.I feel the power around the ocean connected with the deepest part of me.
Elsa"Elsa fairy of ice and snow"
(Elsa's transfornation finished)
Elsa"Here goes nothing(going to the protal)"
Me"Be safe"
Elsa"I will"
Bloom"I'm sure she will be fine"
Stella"Let's make a party so you can be better"
Me"Thanks Stella"

That's all for my chapter.Thanks for reading.

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