Chapter 1: Sheriff and Shooter

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Chapter 1: Sheriff and Shooter

His breath was uneven as he ran. The thundering steps of the Gasmites reminded him of what he was running from. He pulled his mask further up on his face. Like their name suggests, Gasmites are mostly made up of various toxic gases and they're able to use said gases to intoxicate anyone nearby, causing their victim to pass out. What they do with their victims is unknown. Some say they get eaten, others say they get turned into one; but whatever it is, he doesn't want to find out.

He rounded a corner (almost hitting the wall) and looked around, dead end. Shit. What was he supposed to do!? The Gasmites were gonna be here any minute, so it's not like he can back track! He could try his luck up on the roof and pray a Winged doesn't find him up there. But from what he's heard (not an experience he'd recommend) it would be an incredibly painful death if he was caught and he really didn't want that. So the roof wasn't really an option and turning around would practically be suicide. So what else was there-? His eyes scanned the dimly lit alleyway and eventually he landed on a dumpster.

'You cannot be serious.' He thought grimly to himself. He really hated that this was the only possible choice he had—unless he'd rather get eaten by an oversized bird that is. He groaned but ran over to the dumpster regardless, throwing open the lid and peering in. It smelled, and several of the bags were torn open, exposing its rather nasty contents. The sound of steps louder than an earthquake paused whatever thoughts he had on the contents of the dumpster and he hoisted himself up and over, pulling the lid closed as he did so. The footsteps of the Gasmites grew louder. He covered his mouth with his free hand to stop his breaths from being heard. His other hand was resting on the handle of his sword. He was prepared to fight if need be.

The footsteps stopped just outside of the dumpster, and he was afraid it had found him. Some gas leaked in and he held his breath, unable to pull his mask up. The growling got louder before it stopped. There was one final growl, most likely from displeasure, before he heard footsteps grow fainter; indicating the Gasmites had left. Hesitantly, he moved his hand from his mouth, scared that one wrong move may attract back the Gasmites. When he was sure he was safe, he sat up (though he did have to slouch in order to not hit his head) and removed his duffle bag from where it was slung over his shoulder to make sure the thing he had found was still intact.

Unzipping said bag, a bright green glow immediately blinded him. Was it him or had this thing gotten brighter? Whatever, it didn't matter right now. What did matter was getting out of here before anything else came to kill him. Questions could wait until he was on the other side. Quickly, he zipped his duffel bag back up before slinging it back over his shoulder and slowly pushing the lid to the dumpster open. The world seemed so quiet and barren now. But it's always been that way. Since the world was turned into something out of a post-apocalyptic movie, everything has been quieter and he wasn't sure if that was good or a bad thing.

He shook his head, clearing the thoughts. They could wait until after he was on the other side. Pulling himself up and over, he looked around until his eyes landed on the fire escape on the side of a building. While he'd rather not have to, it's easier to travel roof to roof if he wants to get back to the other side. Better get moving.

Hoisting himself onto the roof, he stopped for a second to admire the world around him; despite everything being shit right now, there were still moments he could appreciate. Moments that reminded him he survived the apocalypse and was still surviving it. In a way, it seemed somewhat bittersweet. He was able to stand here in this moment and appreciate being alive while...


"It's fine. There's No point in worrying about it anymore." He said, somewhat bitterly to himself. Glancing down at his arm, he thanked it silently for not acting up while he'd been running. He sighed and backed up a bit before running and jumping onto the next roof. Now isn't the time to dawdle, he had to get to the other side. It'll be sundown soon.

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