Satoru's eyes were wide as he listened to the last parts of that, "Damn, yeah...  I didn't know it was announced then...I'd be really shocked too." He finished his last mochi, "Was he angry at you? I mean, the way he said 'congrats' means that he was pissed." Satoru scoffed, rolling his eyes, "But, I don't get why he would be mad at you, if anything, it should be the higher-ups." Y/N shook her head as she looked downward, "No... I get why he was mad at me... he was jealous, I know that. I know I would've been too...but... I didn't know just how jealous he was."



Y/N was 14 years old, two years before the present, and five years after the ceremony.

Y/N would often hear about how Ryota would be jealous that Y/N had gotten the inheritance to be the chief of their clan instead of him. It was routine, she often felt bad, even now. 

He was now 20.

Y/N walked down the halls, dressed in a light blue kimono with accents of white and gold. Today was the wedding of her second oldest cousin, one year younger than Ryota, she was marrying young to someone she had dated for quite some time.

Y/N arrived outside in one of the gardens that the Fujiwara estate had. This building was practically like multiple mansions squeezed together. They were very rich, but to be fair, it housed many families, so extra space was needed. She had just left her family's area of the estate and was now in the garden. They would be leaving soon, so she thought to rest a little before going. She sat down on one of the chairs outside, watching the mini river in their garden, as some water fell from stones, like little waterfalls. It was quiet, peaceful, and-


That voice was Ryota. 

She turned to look at him, "Oh, hey!" She was still so kind despite all his jealousy towards her. Why did she have this kindness for him? Was it the feeling that he was like an older brother?

Ryota gave her a forced smile, as he sat beside her. "What're you doing?" Y/N looked away from him, facing the water again. "Just resting a little, before the wedding, y'know." His smile turned a little genuine, as he turned his head straight to look at the water as well. "Yeah... First wedding of our generation, so, it's bound to be a little hectic." He chuckled, "Hey when we come back... Uh... Ah, actually, never mind..." He let out an awkward chuckle before he got up and waved, "See you in a bit." He then left, closing the door. She raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off, as she got up as well.

We're probably going to leave soon anyways...


Satoru sighed, "Seriously, Y/N, I don't get how you're so kind. Or...were, can't tell if you're as kind as you once were." He smirked, giggling like a kid, and Y/N smiled, chuckling.

"But seriously, you kept this sense of guilt on you for what..5 years? From 1999, and even in 2004, you were feeling guilty. Did it end? The feeling of guilt?" 

Her eyes widened at that question, and she sat there like a stone, not moving a muscle.

Did my feeling of guilt ever end? I've never been asked that question, and I've never wondered about it. 

Satoru did always ask the questions nobody thought to ask me.

Y/N grabbed her coffee and sighed. "I...don't know..." Satoru sighed as well, shaking his head, "Y/N, you're the last person who's guilty. Don't blame yourself, that idiot should just be angry at the higher-ups." He spoke in a gentle tone, one which brought comfort to Y/N. It was that gentle tone that she loved hearing as a child. 

Satoru looked at Y/N, his eyes analyzing her expression, it hurt to see her blaming things on herself, hurting herself mentally. In his eyes, she was deserving of nothing but happiness. She was there for him, always, when nobody else was there.

It hurt him to see how Y/N was bringing down all this pressure on herself, if only he could do something...

Satoru thought, 'Wait...what's this...feeling that I have?' He looked at her as she took a few sips of her coffee, looking out the window. Her hair looked beautiful, her eyes enchanting, so perfect.

The epitome of perfection was in front of him.

He was becoming entranced by her. 

He never felt this way with any other girl, no other made his heart beat like how she was.

'Can't believe I didn't realize it earlier...' A small smile crept on his face as he looked down at his coffee. 'I'm so stupid.'

For the past seven years, he knew he missed her, and longed for her. Her H/C hair, E/C eyes, to hear her beautiful voice and to see her smile. He had never let go, and he never showed it, but he had never let go of his desire to be with her. 

Now, only is he realizing that the desire to be with her, was not to be just together as friends, but as something more.

'I love you, Y/N.' He admitted in his heart and mind.

'But do you love me back?'

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