𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

Start from the beginning

Villiers, Mitropoulos, Bellingfield, and Montgomery wanted to go with the cover story; Olivia went crazy and attacked Ryle, and he was forced to defend himself. That cover story didn't go down that well.

ME: Did you love Olivia?

LEIGHTON: She was the love of my life. My heart and my soul, and when she died, she took part of me with her. I spent the better part of the next year drunk. That's how long the trial went on. {PAUSE} I tried to overdose two days before the verdict was read. I was just tired. I think Miles found me and saved my life, basically. Gave me a reality check, and after the verdict was read and everything was over, I went to rehab. I reconnected with Selena and tried to grow as a person. I started my own company with Selena, and it's doing pretty well. I'm doing better. It's life. It hurts, but you have to move on. I still and will always love Olivia, but I knew she would want me to live, so I did. Everyday is to her.

ME: Did you ever find someone else?

LEIGHTON: {LAUGHS} No. I don't think I ever will. It wouldn't be fair to the other person. I'm okay dying without ever loving anyone else. Because my heart is buried with her. 

George Balfour

ME: Can you please state your name and the date.

BALFOUR: George Balfour and It's the 7 of February, 2014. 

ME: What happened after the 12 of November, 2014.

BALFOUR: The club split up. It was the truth or the lie. I was prepared to tell the truth and I did. We were all suspected in her murder. I spent a few hours being interrogated by the police that night and after. I confessed and told what happened. It was hard for the police because two different stories were being told. But unlucky for Ryle none of them could get their story straight.  

ME: After the trial was over. What did you do?

BALFOUR:I switched schools to a smaller agriculture school. I finished college and took over my family's business. I met a new group of friends. Much more relaxed. I tried to forget everything. I was never the most popular member of the group, so none of them really cared what I did. I met my wife and got married. We are due to have a kid in September.

I miss Olivia so much. She believed in me, and if it weren't for her, I probably would be doing finance or something I didn't love. I just hope that she's at peace wherever she is, and I hope she's proud of the man I became.

Toby Maitland

ME: Can you please state your name and the date.

MAITLAND: Toby Maitland and I actually don't know the date. 

ME: It's the 8 of February. 

MAITLAND: Good to know. 

ME: What happened after the 12 of November, 2014.

MAITLAND: The police interrogated all of us. We were all going to be charged with murder if the police couldn't figure out what happened that night. But Olivia still had to have the last laugh because she recorded the whole night on a camera. The pub owner's daughter delivered it to the police with Selena Atwood, and the police arrested Ryle that afternoon. The trial went on for the better part of the year. But I knew Olivia was laughing her ass off when Ryle got life in prison for second-degree murder. The club died after that. Half of the club betrayed Olivia, so none of us who stooped by her were much atoned to keep in contact.

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