Northern Woods and... Big Brother?!

Start from the beginning

3rd Pov

What she didn't know was that her Aura Alice activated. There were butterflies and sparkles surrounding her when she was smiling. Hotaru got out her camera and snapped a few photos. "Thanks, now you have to be my model", Hotaru said looking at the photo. When she saw it she had a light and barely noticeable pink blush.
So Cute!!
everyone thought blushing even though they think he is a boy the boys were blushing even Natsume.

Sera's Pov

"Something wrong? If not then Hotaru can you please show me where the kitchen is so I may make your sweets you wanted?", I asked.
" I'm going to turn myself in, after I'll show you where it is", Hotaru replied walking with Mikan following her like a lost puppy. I took out my sketch book to draw the sweets immediately having inspiration. Once I finished I started writing the ingredients and steps for it.
"Maybe I should make some and send them to my brothers and friends- why are you reading my mind. Eh oh well", I thought getting bored while Mind reader - kun says it out loud.
"I'm going to take a nap. Don't do anything or touch my stuff", I thought before letting my eyes close,and falling asleep.

Natsume's Pov

While closing her eyes and taking a nap, her duel monster cards fell out of her pocket with her Millennium Heart Amulet.
" Eh, what's this?",asked Natsume looking at the Amulet and cards.
"So, the kid likes games. Wonder what he do if he 'lost thi- Yami no Games, tornament, 2 months, hurry", I was cut off by 'Seto ' who was murmuring in 'his' sleep. Next thing I know the Amulet glows and shocks me. "Ouch, what the hell?", I asked confused. Then I heard voices saying 'Return Us' 'We don't belong to you' 'Get your hands off of me' and much more.
Then there was a glow and I blacked out.

3rd Pov

Natsume's eyes looked empty, because the Amulet made him lose control of himself. He then put his head down and closed his eyes looking like he went to sleep.

Natsume's Pov

I woke up in a hallway with two doors. One was with golden chains around it and had an egyptian style design with an eye in the center. The next door was slightly open and on the door was a colorful design. I went to the regular door and saw so many things on there and it was a giant place with lots of rooms. It had painting, art supplies, music notes, costumes, games and stories.
As I walked deeper I saw pictures on the walls. One had a younger Sera, younger Seto, and a kid with wild black hair and brown eyes and behind them was a blurry picture of two people.
The next had the 3 kids a bit older and playing chess with others. Then there was them with suitcases and a strict looking old man, you can tell they were a bit sad except for Seto who looked emotionless .
Next was a sit younger but a bit older Sera with a man with long silver or purple hair and they were painting, the same man was with her and watching her trying to solve a golden puzzle, then she grew and looked like she was on a boat leaving the man with the Amulet complete.
Next there was a small picture that was blurry. These pictures are like a time line. The blur must mean she can barely recall what happen.
The next picture showed her with a boy with spikedup purple and black hair with yellow highlights in a blue uniform, her in that uniform, and an old man that had spiked up grey hair from age. They seemed to be in a shop.
The next picture shocked me cause I saw the same boy with her, but instead of purple eyes he had purple and red eyes and was wearing an upside down golden triangle. Also he was now half a head taller than her. He seemed evil, but he was blushing but smiling abit.I just noticed that under it had labels.
I went back to read the labels on the picture. 1 said with family before accident. 2 said at the orphanage learning chess. 3 getting adopted by the devil himself. 4 forced to stay with Pegasus and painting. 5 learning egyptology and figuring out Amulet. 6 leaving to the island to find family. 7 temporarily forgot family, cause unknown. 8 meeting Yugi and Solomon Moto. 9 first Yami no Game and meeting mystery person.
10 a new picture with her 'Yugi', 2 boys one with blonde hair and brown eyes, another with brown hair and brown eyes, 2 girls one with shoulder brown hair and blue eyes, and last a girl with long purple hair and dark purple eyes with a yellow ribbon. It says New and Best Friends.
Before I can keep going a furry brown monster with big eyes and green feet came and saw me. It made a Kuri noise and became louder and louder.
Then a girl who was 17 years old and looked like and older Sera came and said,"What is it Kuriboh,is something wrong?!".
She them saw me and said,"Who are you, leave before I summon Dark Magician and make both him and Kuriboh attack you. Now say your name trespasser" in a demanding voice.
"Oi, crossdresser ya mind telling me why I'm here,", I asked irritated.
"Natsume! You have to get out of here! Did you touch my amulet or Duel Monster cards?", she yelled while looking around.
"So, why is there 2 doors in the hallway? And is this the real you?", I asked looking around.
"Get out, Kuriboh can you get me my wand- Kuri- thanks. Bye and never come back", said Sera before she got her wand, opened a purple portal and pushed me in.
Next thing I know I wake up sleeping on my desk. " Oi, don't touch my stuff and you are uninvited", I heard 'Seto' say.
This makes me a bit interested in the crossdresser.

Gakuen Alice and Yugioh Crossover  (Seto's Little Sister) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now