The Crappy Day

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I had another crappy afternoon. My cheese pizza was soggy at the courtesy of John the lunch man, my dumb older sister got me sick and my best friend lived. It was not a great start to the week.

Despite this, I tried to keep my head held high and go on with my day. I went and sat next to my best friend, Evelyn.

Right then my crush Ryan came up to me, and I accidentally dropped a whole milkshake on him, oh and also my dumb stupid best friend likes him too. So let me tell you more about the real superstar of the show; moi. I am 30 years old, my parents are dead and I have continuous unresolved trauma.

I have been trying to seek therapy to help with coping, and it has honestly helped a lot. I immediately apologised to Ryan and he just smiled and said it was alright,accidents happen. We laughed it off together and we sat down together.

I told him how my trust funds are finished because my stupid older sister used them to buy a Louis Vuitton bag and now I can't get therapy anymore. I had a whole mental breakdown and it was so embarrassing,ro make it worse he tried to pull back my hair but it all fell off.Let's back up for a second you see my best friend tore off my hair in my sleep at a sleepover and I needed the wig for that reason.

I thought he would be disgusted and walk away, but he gave me a sympathetic look and apologised, handing me back my wig. I thanked him, and put it back on as fast as I could, not too many people noticing. He asked if I was okay, and he gave me a comforting touch on the shoulder.

I felt that he might like me too, so I confessed...

And at that moment my best friend came running and told him too. He told me I was dumb and he would obviously never like me but he would like my 'super cool' bestie. They then glanced at each other and walked away. I cried until it created a swimming pool and then it was a local catastrophe. Teacher ran around trying to save the little primary students from drowning.

My older sister, despite how much of a jerk she could be, saw the commotion going on and swam over. I told her what happened, and she beat the crap out of my best friend for me. I told her she didn't have to do that, but she kept doing so and honestly I was kinda happy to see it happen. My crush stood in wilderment. My sister threatened him, and he backed off. I thanked my sister and we shared a nice sibling moment together.

It was quite an afternoon. I think I hate my sister now cause me lose any chances of getting with my crush, does she want me to die!!! Also back to moi; I am part New Yorken and part New Jersian which is short for Persian. I got a F for fantastic in all my classes, can you tell? Another thing about me is I have blue amax.

I went to my room and plopped face first onto my bed, taking a big sigh. I called my bestfriend and apologised for what happened, and she said it was alright and she was sorry as well. My crush also text me and said that he shouldn't have said the things he did and hoped we can still be friends. The day was crappy, but at the end it was all mended and worked out and we were al, still able to remain friends. I hoped even my sister would at some point come around to being friends again. I'm glad it all turned out well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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