stfu ur bald

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wahhhh another y/n debut in 🥶

read 4 a banger like always 🔥🔥

ඞ ඞ ඞ

my rin rin <3

9:27 am

i'm trying to act so
normal ab this but it's
taking everything in me
not to lose my mind

what are you going on ab

u do realize i watch that
stupid bllk tv bullshit just
for u right?
i turn on my phone every
day just to watch ur dumb
ass and feel happy but then
i see u being a fucking
god ur an idiot

what the fuck are you
talking about y/n

rin why the hell did i see
ur face all bruised and
bandages on ur face when
i went to watch this morning
wtf r u even doing dude

are u seriously that concerned?
it's not that serious

ur not fr rn

i am
i don't see why ur so mad

i'm barely mad rin
wtf is wrong with u
sorry if u hate that ur
concerned ab her stupid bf
that likes to get in fights for
stupid reasons
god i hate you sometimes

and you piss me off
you're so dramatic

fuck you

are you serious?

i'm concerned for u and
ur saying i'm dramatic

cause you are
you're being dramatic
just stop being concerned
if ur so bothered by me
saying you're dramatic

oh yeah ur right actually
my bad
go fuck yourself itoshi


6:09 pm

i'm sorry about earlier
this was a stupid fight so
please let's just end it

it's not stupid rin
i don't like when you
start things with people
and u get hurt
it scares me

i'm sorry
i don't mean to scare or
concern you but still
i don't like it when you
act that way
i understand that you're
concerned but i assure you
each time that it isn't that
i'm fine ok?

can u at least tell me what
did it happen during one
of ur matches?

it was one of my idiotic

why the hell did he do

he's a moron
i still won so it doesn't

idc if u won or not
which teammate

it's not serious

yeah ik
just wondering

i don't believe u
ur tone is weird

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