1-flip the coin

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P.o.v Paul

John- what can be our new name guys? -big Stare at everyone-
Stuart- what about: " the flys" ?
Paul- "the flys"? What a stupid idea!
John- guys stop! This is important!
Stuart- You heard John, right Paul!? Shut up! -he Said laughing-
Paul- You beter stop, or i Will punch you!
John- Paulie... Stu.... Can we plss focus? -John rolled his eyes while talking-
Paul- what about "the fireflys"?
Stuart- That's the same thing but with "fire"!
John- let's keep the "insect" idea, but it needs to be more special... Georgie, you still didn't Gave any ideas, what's on your mind?
George- yeah, i have no idea...
Paul- Wait! Hold on! I now! "The beetles" but spelling diferent! B e a t-l e s!
John- like " the Beatles"! Sounds good! Like beetles and beat! Awsome!
Stuart- whatever..
George- it's actualy pretty good!
John- you guys wanna go to the cavern, and drink something?
Paul- yeah..

After that long time talking about names, we when't to the car. John was driving, i was in the back with George, and Stuart.... Was... Next.... John....!
I felt like fire, somehow... Why do i FELL like that? Is...just a friend! Right? But something about Stuart leaves me... Angry!
George took a glass of beer and sat in a table while me John and Stuart when't to pick some wine.
John Turned his face to me and opened a big smile. Somehow i totaly Froze looking at him.

John- Paul? -he snaped his fingers in my face- oi Paul? You ok?
Paul- uh... What?
John- you...just Froze..
Paul-umm yeah..?
John- i was saying.. you had a great idea!
Paul- ah.. thx!
John- -looks the other side of the pub-
Looks like Stuart found some girls...

I Gave a look at stuart, and Next John's face. I totaly Froze in pain and stood up. I when't Next stuart and picked him by his shirt.

John- i-i think you drank to much...

P.o.v. John

Whata hell was hapening? I just came and stop the two guys. Paul Said.... Leave John Alone? What does that mean...?

A day after...

We where all together in my apartment.

Stuart- i'm tirsty..
George- me too...  -they looked at me-
John- uh? I'm not gonna get drinks!
Paul- well...
John- i'm not gonna flip the coin..!

Later... The coin made me go get drinks...

John- you're coming with me! -grab Paul-
Paul- i'm not! It's you're Turn!
John- i Don't wanna go Alone!
Paul- -inhale- fine...

Me and Paul bounced out of the apartment, and slowly Walked on the street. I looked at Paul and Saw him looking down to his feet.
I had to ask what happend yesterday.

John- Paulie.... About yesterday...
(Paul Turned his head fastely and looked with a sad face.)
Paul- oh... What?
John- you... Uhmmm... Kinda fought with stu...
Paul- oh
John- and... You Said... "Leave John"...
Paul - oh... (His face slowly Turned red)
Uhmmm nothing realy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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