Chapter 4: The pack

Comenzar desde el principio

Now that there was a little bit of a light she coud see them more clearly.

They were both young maybe her age.

They were both buff and muscular, with dark skin.

Seraphina then turned towards Sam and nodded at the boys, and it seems like he took the hint.

"Oh ummm Ina this my pack. This is Jared Cameron."

She looked towards one of the boys, who smiled at her and wink at her.

"And this is Paul Lahote."

When Seraphina's sapphire green eyes connected with Paul's dark brown ones... the world around them stopped, it was like it was only them.

She felt this warmth and electricity going throught her body as she kept eye contact with him.

Paul froze, ones he connected his eyes with hers.

It was just the two of them.

Gravity moves... suddenly, It wasn't the earth holding him here anymore, it was her. He would become whatever she needs him to be.

A protector, a lover or a friend.

"You got to be kidding me." Sam mumbled as he looked between the two of them.

Jared started laughting "Oh boy. Paul is a dead meat now. Wait till her family hears about this."

Seraphina and Paul broke eye contact as she blinked a few times, trying to figure out what exactly happened.

There was a silence in the room, until Sam cleaned his throat and looked at the girl he saw as a little sister.

"Ina, what happened? What did you meant by your family is leaving?"

She looked at him, before she moved her haze at the muffin.

"They're leaving again. This time... I'm not sure they will be back..." She mumbled sadly.

"Are you going with them?" Paul asked her quickly.

She looked at him, but when her eyes connected with his, she quickly moved her eyes again.

"They don't know, mom and dad don't want to leave me behind again, like when I was ten, but they can't take me with them, because my powers are connected to this place. And I don't want to burden uncle Billy again, I'm older now and I need to constantly train my powers I can't do it there because Jake doesn't know the truth yet..." She sighed sadly.

Sam grabbed her hand and hold it tighly.

Paul glared at their hands, before he took an angry bite from his muffin, while Jared was watching in amusement.

"Don't worry okay, they will figure something out."

Seraphina gave him a sad smile and nodded her head.

There was a silence in the room, until the phone on the wall rang.

Emily stood up and walked towards it "Hello?"

There was a silence, until Emily looked towards Sam "Sam. It's Carlisle Cullen."

Sam looked at Seraphina, before he stood up and took the phone.

"Hello Carlisle... Yeah, she is here and she is fine... Yeah, okay I'll bring her home in an hour... Okay thanks." He put the phone back and looked towards her "Carlisle gave me permission to drove you back home."

Seraphina sighed and nodded her head.

Emily put a hand on her shoulder, as she looked at Sam with sad eyes.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora