01: Another One

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Y/N STARK (6-2-8)

I woke up to the sound of breaking glass. I sat upright in my bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and searching for the source of the noise. My windows were still fully intact, and there was no broken glass to be found. Maybe it had been a part of my dream.

My dream had been weird, to say the least. Hundreds of different locations had passed by me in a flash, ranging from forests to deserts to cities. Glass had been cracking all around me, as if the different places were breaking apart – or maybe the walls between them were breaking. Some of the places seemed other-worldly, but what captured my attention was a person. He was quite tall and had brown hair that looked soft enough to run my hands through. His jaw was sharp, and he had a strong build. I took a step towards him, and then the glass had cracked and shattered, and I was back in the real world.

I got out of bed, running over my dream in my head. Where had I seen that guy before? Peter said that the brain was incapable of creating a new face, so I must have seen him somewhere. Maybe I had seen him on the street or in a movie.

I decided to let the issue go and got dressed before heading to the elevator. Friday greeted me and took me up to the shared kitchen, where Bucky sat at the counter. He turned as the doors opened and offered me a grin, his gold and black arm glinting in the sunlight streaming in from the windows.

"Hey, Five," he greeted.

I rolled my eyes at him, regretting my decision to introduce him to the Umbrella Academy. 'Five' was my nickname from him, seeing as our abilities were almost identical. I could teleport between places, as well as create portals. I wasn't the best at the latter, though – my portals couldn't stay open for that long, nor could they get very big.

I put together my breakfast, and as I sat down, my dad entered the room. He walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. "Hey, kiddo."

"Morning, Dad," I replied.

Tony Stark wasn't my biological father. I'd been in the foster system for as long as I could remember before the Attack on New York. When aliens began raining down, I did all I could to help, grabbing people and teleporting them to safer places. It caught the attention of the Avengers, and since I had only been eleven at the time, they took me in. Tony became my legal guardian, and Shield kept a close eye on me. And even though all of the Avengers were family now, Tony went above and beyond to make me feel like I had a place with them. He was my Dad.

I continued to eat my breakfast, chatting with the people in the kitchen, as well as new arrivals. Loki and Thor entered, arguing about something again, and Pietro ran past them, stealing Thor's box of poptarts right out of his hands. I decided to head out, not really wanting to be a part of the fight that was sure to ensue.

The walk to the subway wasn't too long. I could have driven, if I really wanted to, but I liked taking the subway. There was a kind of normalcy about it, and it was pretty refreshing. After arriving in Queens, I took a shortcut to Delmar's Deli. Peter and I were meeting there, like we usually did on Sundays, and then we'd hang out for a while. I met Peter after the Sokovian Accords had been abolished, and we just clicked. He was the first friend my age I'd ever really had.

As I walked down an alley, I heard a noise up ahead. I froze, my footsteps stopping as I listened closer. I was ready to jump in or instantly teleport away if it was trouble, but as I listened more attentively, it sounded like a person banging around. I walked closer and turned the corner, seeing a person in a Spiderman suit, pressing his hands against a wall in frustration. It wasn't the real Spiderman, of course – Peter was waiting for me at Delmar's, and the suit was different, but it was definitely a Spiderman suit.

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