"I can pay for it" He replied back. "Are you sure?" I questioned. I never was one for people paying for me, especially not an expensive plane ticket.

"Yeah, Mel it's fine!" Spencer sounded cheerful now. I glanced at my clock and my eyes almost popped out of my head. It read 2:56.

"Hey Spence, I gotta get back to bed. But I'll call you tomorrow?"

"That's if we don't have a case."

"Oh yeah. Well I'll either call you or I'll see you when I get to D.C!" I was now really excited for this trip with my best friend.

"Goodnight Mel." Spencer's voice was calm and deep like he was starting to fall asleep. "Goodnight Spence." I hung the phone up and placed it on my bedside table. I laid down but now I was wide awake, what was I gonna wear? What am I supposed to take?


The week had passed by very slowly. And I mean very slowly. The day of the plane trip, I quickly gathered my things and made sure everything was locked and all alarms were on. I haled a cab over and was drove to the airport, I checked in right on time for my flight.

I settled on my seat, closing my eyes resting for the short flight.


I had texted Spencer about 30 minutes before I landed asking him to pick me up, but he never responded back. I texted him once again as I waited outside the airport., mind you it's pouring outside and I had to wait in the rain for an hour.

About an hour went by and I called a cab and they drove me over to the BAU.

I walked into the glass doors, headed straight toward the elevator with all my luggage. I pushed the level and was shot up to that floor.

I stepped out and walked towards the glass doors, pushing them open I searched around and noticed a group of people in a room in the corner of the office. Placing my luggage at Spencer's desk, I walked up the steps and walked towards the room.

I slowly opened the door and all heads whipped towards me. Gruesome crime scene photos were on display on the tv ahead of me and Penelope was controlling them. The team were sitting around the round table , all staring at me.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm looking for Spencer again?" My full body was now in the room and I locked eyes with Spencer.

I marched up to him and grabbed his collar, "Hey dipshit you left me in the pouring rain for almost 2 hours and-and! I texted you about 3 times before I even got off the plane, you didn't even bother to check them!" I continue to shake him around as people started to chuckle around me.

His eyes were full of fear and he had a small half smile on his face. "I'm sorry I was busy with paper work and I was dragged in here for a new case." Then his eyes flashed with guilt as he checked his watch.

"Oh god! I didn't even realize what day it was. I'm so sorry!" His hands wrapped around my arm; pulling me closer. "It's fine but I'm pissed you never checked your phone. Asshole." I muttered out the last word, I looked up at the tv.

"Wait I thought you said you weren't gonna have another case. That's why I came down here, to hang out with you."

"I'm sorry, Mel you know these things happen." His hands gripped tighter as he felt me trying to let go.

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