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Amelia POV

When I got home I didn't even take my shoes off I just plopped on the bed and ended up falling asleep. When I woke up in the middle off the night I ended up taking them off and headed for the shower.

After taking a long and needed shower and went to my dresser and grabbed and shirt and some underwear. Before I laid back down I checked my phone, I had about 8 messages in total from unknown numbers. 3 of them being from Spencer and the other 5 being from Penelope.

I opened the ones from Spencer first.

9:24- Hey it's Spencer, are you still up?
10:37- We just landed. Was wondering if you wanted to talk?
11:45- I just finished this really good book. Have you read it? Its a "Sherlock Holmes" book. If you end up waking up text me back. Or call. Up to you.:)


8:30- Heyyyyyy, so I was totally thinking if you came down to visit again we should have a gals night. This is Penelope by the way.
8:31- I know you'd wanna hang out with boy genius, but we need a gals night!
8:33- Or we could all go as a team. For a compromise.
8:40- Nope we're just gonna have girls night!
8:45- Hey what's your favorite food?

I laughed reading Penelope's text messages. I found myself reading over Spencer's. It was almost 2 and I don't think he'd be up but I mean I could try and call maybe leave a voicemail.

I hesitantly pressed the call button, it ringed three times before it was picked up. "Hello?" A deep voice questioned. It was throaty and raspy like he had been screaming and like he had woken up.

"Hi. Did I wake you?"

"No actually I had a nightmare not that long ago. What are you doing up?" Spencer asked.

"Oh I had woken up not that long ago, I crashed when I got home and didn't wake up till now." I smiled to myself, kind of glad he was awake. But shortly remembering why he was awake.

"Was it bad?" "Was what bad?" It took him a second to realize what I was talking about. "Oh! No the dream wasn't as bad as they usually are. You know the last time I slept all through the night was when I was with you." He sounded genuine, my heart fluttered at his words.

Is he flirting? I've never seen him flirt before, is this it? My thoughts were running 100 miles per hour. I was getting chocked up; I didn't know what to say other than, "Wow really". Girl what?

"Yeah actually, it's been months since I haven't not had a night terror, and the 2 nights that were peaceful were with you." He sounded sad yet happy. I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Well I'm happy I could help you. So when am I coming back down to help you with that?" I joked around, but I guess he took it literally.

"I mean you could always come next weekend?" My eyes widened in shock.

"Um are you sure?"

"Yeah plus Penelope has been bugging me about you. She said she texted you too."

"Yeah speaking of that how did she get my number?" He chuckled, "Mel she's a computer analyst for the FBI. You really think she wouldn't find your number?" I rolled my eyes, "alright smarty pants. And about this weekend I don't know if I have the money for it."

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