Chapter 15 - The morning after

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, you must be cold. Here, take this."

I accepted the blanket from Newt, but my gratitude was overshadowed by the lingering anger from earlier. I wrapped it around myself without meeting his gaze, maintaining a cold distance between us.


Newt's turned away, distancing himself from our conversation, his own emotions locked away. The tension among us was palpable, and the weight of unspoken words hung in the air. Thomas glanced between Newt's retreating figure and me, concern etched on his face.

"Y/N, are you alright? What is going on between you and Newt?"

I sighed, the frustration and hurt bubbling beneath the surface.

"He yelled at me for screwing up at work before."

Thomas' reaction was as if I had just said the most absurd thing he'd ever heard. "Really that's why you're so upset? He's second in command y/n, that's his job." Thomas said. I felt my blood boil at Thomas again. "Never at me! He's always super sweet to me... now he thinks he can act how he wants cause we shucked?" I said.

"no, he wants to threaten you like everyone else. So no one thinks he spoils you because you are his girlfriend." His words resonated within me, reminding me of my own worth and the importance of honest communication. Yet, I chose to remain silent, allowing the bitterness to linger between Newt and me.


Dinner time arrived, luckily it had stopped raining, people watched the doors for Minho, Alby and the other runners coming back. It was time for them to close soon. Newt was obviously there. I wanted to be there too but I was still mad at Newt. I was sitting next to Chuck, Winston and Thomas, eating dinner. We all ate in silence as Newt and I were still not talking. Then Thomas suddenly opened his mouth "I can't stand sitting here while Minho is missing," he said as he dropped his fork on the plate.

"I'm Going over to watch the Doors with Newt." He stood up and headed out to look. Not surprisingly, Chuck was right behind him. Leaving me alone with Winston, who just smirked at me as if he was about to flirt with me. "Wait up!" I shouted after them, and catched up with them.

We found Newt at the West Door, pacing, running his hands through his hair. He looked up as we approached. "Where are they?" Newt said, his voice thin and strained. I gotta say, seeing Newt this worried made me remember why I loved him. He was so caring and sweet. But it hurts me to see him this stressed.

"Why don't we send out a search party?" Thomas suggested. I looked at him, as much as I wanted to do it, we couldn't.

"Bloody he—" Newt started before stopping himself; he closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. "We can't. Okay? Don't say it again. One hundred percent against the rules. Especially with the buggin' Doors about to close." "But why?" Thomas persisted, clearly in disbelief at Newt's stubbornness. "Won't the Grievers get them if they stay out there? Shouldn't we do something?"

Newt turned on him, his face flushed red, his eyes flamed with fury.

"Shut your hole, Greenie!" he yelled. "Not a bloody week you've been here! You think I wouldn't risk my life in a second to save those lugs?" I went up to Newt. I gently grasp Newt's hand, squeezing it firmly. As my hand finds solace in Newt's, I notice Chuck's eyes lingering on us, his expression clouded with a mix of longing and jealousy.

"No ... I ... Sorry. I didn't mean ..." Thomas tried to say.

Newt's face softened. "You don't get it yet, Tommy. Going out there at night is beggin' for death. We'd just be throwing more lives away. If those shanks don't make it back ..." He paused, seeming hesitant to say what everyone was thinking. Y/N pulls him closer, hugging Newt tightly, offering comfort. Thomas glanced at Chuck, who looked as pale-faced as Newt. Chuck's words hung heavy, implying Minho and others could be dead. Newt remained silent, while Chuck walked away, filled with sorrow. Thomas felt a deep emptiness, unsure how to respond. Newt pulled away from my hug and put his hand on Thomas's shoulder. I hated to see him like this, to see everyone like this. I was praying for them to be okay. The encroaching darkness matched the somber atmosphere surrounding them.

"The Doors close in two minutes," Newt said, a statement so succinct and final it seemed to hang in the air like a burial shroud caught in a puff of wind. I walked over to Newt, my eyes filled with sadness and worry for Minho. Newt pulled me close, holding my head gently, his own concern mirroring mine as his eyes were locked on the doors.

A loud boom echoed, forcing me to break the hug and look back. The Doors were closing. The walls rumbled and stones ground together. The massive walls moved slowly closer together. I had never felt this stressed in my life. Suddenly, movement caught our eyes in the Maze. It was Minho, carrying Alby. Every Glader yelled, trying to motivate Minho to either leave Alby since he was obviously hurt or move faster. But the doors moved slowly and closer together. Eventually, something I would never have predicted happened: Thomas rushed into the maze.

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