Part 8: Grand Bout Begin

Start from the beginning

"Next up is ammonia," Senku declared.

"Oh no," you mumbled as you nervously glanced at Kohaku.

"Let's go," Chrome exclaimed.

"Where do you get that," Kohaku asked.

"You're not gonna like it," you stated.

"What do you mean," Kohaku asked.

You simply sighed as you got ready to grab her incase. Kohaku then looked at Senku and Chrome to see what they were doing. She then sees that they were peeing into the jar. And with that ammonia was acquired but Kohaku obviously was not happy. She was ready to kill the boys however you grabbed her so she couldn't move but she still gave them the scary face.

"Do you really think I'm gonna let you force my sister to drink that," Kohaku asked.

Once again this face scared Chrome Senku was just nervous but annoyed that he had to explain this again.

"She's not drinking it," Senku stated. "We just need it to prepare the drug!"

"Kohaku, just relax and trust the process please," you begged as you were honestly getting annoyed from her jumping to conclusions.

"All right, we're so close to getting there," Senku declared. "We're down to the last three items: Acetic anhydride, Sodium bicarbonate, and Anilin."

"Sounds like you're casting some kind of spell," Suika commented.

"But we need alcohol to make those," Senku stated. "That's the key here. So if we can get our hands on some booze, we'll have the ultimate crue-all. A powerful sulfa drug."

They all gasped with excitement as you chuckled a bit. You thought it was a bit funny that something that slowly kills you, is the key to making a cure-all drug.

"So let's make us some alcohol then," Chrome exclaimed as he ran out of the lab.

"It's not easy making alcohol," you stated which makes Chrome stop.

"She's right," Senku said. "It's gonna take time and energy. Some more manpower would be great."

"Need booze," Old Man Kaseki asked. "Funny you mention it. Because if you were to be victorious in the Grand Bout tomorrow, the villagers will give you more booze than you could ever hope to finish."

"Why am I not surprised by that," you mumbled to yourself.

"Wait, it's tomorrow," Chrome asked. "No way!"

Senku chuckled as he looked at the battle team training. "The timing couldn't be more perfect."

"Right," Chrome agreed. "If Kinro or Ginro wins, we'll have alcohol, and then practically nothing can stop us from making Ruri's medicine!"

"Yeah," Senku agreed. "Our team is gonna win the Grand Bount, even if it kills us."

"Well I'm not too sure about that," you mumbled.


You and Senku were looking at the weapons that were gonna be used for the Grand Bout. Kohaku and Suika were there when they were told some interesting news.

"You're gonna participate in the Grand Bout too Senku," Kohaku asked.

"And I was the one who signed him up for the big battle," Ginro exclaimed. "Yep! Senku is over 14 and unmarried, isn't he?"

"That's right," Senku stated. "Plus there's no rule that says you have to be a villager to participate."

Senku and Ginro chuckled as the rest of them were just not happy about this.

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