Chapter 16

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Zion Sullivon

My alarmed blared into my ears yet again. I hate this I hate, hate, HATE mornings. I looked at my alarm and it said date.

Date? What date? Who dates at 6:45 in the morning?



I quickly got off my bed and put on a T shirt and sweatpants and headed towards the Café.

After reaching the Cafe I really started to regret my choice of outfit. Valentino was already there and he was wearing a turtleneck and a coat. Does this man not feel hot?

Anyways, I totally get now why girls find men in turtleneck attractive 'cause he looks horribly hot.

"Falling in love already?", he asked with a cheeky grin, turning his head towards me.

"You bet.", I said as I took a seat at the table where he was sitting.

"So what would you like to order?", Miriam asked.

"We will have a baked mostaccioli.", he said.

"Nice. Any beverages?"

"Iced milk americano for me.", he said.

"Okay and espresso for you?", she asked as she looked at me.

"Hmm", I said. She noted down our order and went away.

"Wow you didn't even ask me what I wanted.", I said sulkily.

"No offense, your choice of food is very questionable.", he said.

"None taken.", I agreed because recently I had to suffer from diarrhea because of my unique combination of food. I couldn't manage to get a day off at work and I had to work in that condition. Using the common washroom was a nightmare 'cause I felt very uncomfortable thinking about people having to deal with the smell afterwards. Overall, it was disgusting.

"That was easy. Anyways, let's get to know each other more.", he said.


"What's your favorite colour?"

"Red. Yours?"



"Well this is awkward.", he said. Indeed it was. We had nothing....Nothing to talk about! I was just waiting for the food to come so that I could eat and leave.

Seems like God had heard my prayers and Miriam had brought in our order. Damn, it smelled delicious!
She served it on both our plates. As soon as she left I dug into my food. Took a gulp and damn the flavors! Why didn't I ever order this!

"You seem to be enjoying it a lot.", he said smiling at me.

"I never thought I would say this but you have good taste.", I said.

"Well my grandmother is really fond of cooking. She really wanted to open her own restaurant, but at that time our family wasn't as well off as now. So she instead sacrificed her dreams so that Grandpa could start his business."

"Wow. Your grandmother must be a really sweet person.", I said.

"Well she is until someone interrupts her watching her daily soap operas. She really loves them. So as I was saying she is very fond of cooking and she would make me taste literally anything she made. My parents used to be quite busy back then so I was basically raised by my grandparents. I picked up some of my grandma's cooking skills and my taste buds are so used to her delicious meals, that I find other foods quite bland. But when I discovered this café, this specific dish, somehow tasted a lot like my grandma's. So, I ordered it for us.",he said.

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