*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter four *✧・゚: *✧・゚:

Start from the beginning

"You were covering my eyes." Pandora stabbed her pencil into her book repeatedly.

"It's not my fault you can't see with your eyes shut."

"Hey girls!" A new voice calls when Bailey walks in with a pig and London squeals and jumps onto her desk. 

"Relax, it's just a pig." Pandora reaches down to pick it up, moving it towards London who jumps from one desk to another.

"Remember Porkers from Parrot Island? He's finally out of quarantine. I thought we'd have a pet play date." Bailey says when Pandora hands her pig back to her.

"That pig is not going anywhere near Ivana! He does not belong where we sleep." London refers to her usual sleeping place, her desk.

"He's as much of a pet as Ivana." Bailey defends as Pandora shakes her head.

"I'd hate to be on London's side but Ivana is a dog, and a pig isn't really a pet. More like breakfast." Bailey gasps at Pandora's words.

"Don't you say that in front of Pokers! He's very sensitive." Bailey says as the pig starts squealing.

"And delicious." London looks down at the small animal.

"I'll have you know, pigs are much smarter than dogs." Bailey crosses her arms over her chest. "They're much smarter than London too." Pandora chirps up.

"You're just saying that because I'm prettier than you."

"I won't argue with that."

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

Pandora sits down next to London as someone applies lipgloss to her lips and someone else does London's contour.

Things had gotten messy after the cake incident. London's dad and Pandora's mum were furious with the incident, especially since everyone on the internet thought they were enemies and now they had to make up for it being doing silly interviews.

"Miss Tipton, what was your first thought when your father shipped you off to this ship?"

"My first thought was 'yay me' but then I realised I had to do school work and now I hate it." London sits on one side of the couch, Pandora on the other side.

"But your roommate must've made it better."

"It did." London gave a fake smile as she turned to her roommate.

"Can you two move in a little closer?" The interviewer asks as London and Pandora turn to each other. Pandora moves slowly, London watches her.

"Closer." London looks at the woman in the suit across from her before moving so close that her bare thigh brushes the silk of Pandora's pants.

"London has to be my favourite person on this ship." Pandora cheers.

"What is your favourite thing about her?" The interview makes notes.

"Her heart, she's very kind." She glances at London.

"My favourite thing about Pandora is she never complains. Even when she's going through the worst pain." London slightly shoves Pandora.

"That's great. Miss Lestrange, if you had to use three words to describe London, what would they be?"

"Nice, fashionable and rich."

"What about you Miss Tipton what three words would you use to describe Miss Lestrange?"

"White, blonde and rich." London smiles.

"How intuitive, you're so smart, London." Pandora rests her hand on the girl's arm. "Not as smart as a pig apparently."

"What?" The interviewer looks between the two girls.

"It's an inside joke, we have those cause we're friends." Pandora pulls her hand away.

"Like her man jaw." London brings up and Pandora dies of laughter, when she leans over, leaning on London in her laughter, pinching the girl's side as London slaps her hand away.

"I love hanging out with her." Pandora throws herself on her friend when the interview finally ends and they end up pushing each other around in the corridor.

"Man jaw? You're the worst." Pandora shoves London when the door shuts behind them. "I'm being honest, honesty is the best policy." London takes out a piece of cake for Ivana.

"Are you twelve? And I can see my hair in that cake." Pandora leans down next to London to look down at the cake.

"That's not your hair, it's extensions. There are extensions in her cake." London scoffs and when her mouth opens, Pandora shoves the piece of cake in her mouth.

"Choke on them."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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