Our First Encounter

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Taehyung- 28 years old

Jungkook- 25 years old

"Nooo its okay! You don't have to come shorty! I will manage" A bunny boy said only to get smacked by a short boy beside him.

"No kookie.. You are going alone already, I can at least come to see you off and help you with the luggage"

"You have classes today, you better get going, I swear I will be fine", jungkook told his roommate, Jimin. They had come to become very close friends over a period of two years.

"Call me if you need anything okay? Airport is just twenty minutes from here"

"I will, hyung. You take care, see you in a month", he told and hugged his friend.

The cab was waiting outside and he got into it, directing the driver to drop him at the John.F.Kennedy airport, New York.

"Thank you, Have a nice day", Jungkook wished the cab driver and got down from the cab.

He found a trolley nearby and carefully lifted his travel bags and suitcases and placed them on it.

Luck didn't favor him that day as the zipper in one of his suitcases came undone and the bag opened, spilling some of its contents on the floor.

"Oh My God! What the hell you stupid bag! So much for ordering a new one online ", he muttered, extremely irritated with the suitcase "I should've accepted that shorty's offer and asked him to come along. Now I have to think of something on my own". He tried hard to close the zipper and thankfully, out of the two zippers on either end of the suitcase, one of them still worked and he pulled it, successfully closing the suitcase..

"I would suggest getting it shrink wrapped (Wrap the suitcase in a plastic film to prevent it from any damage or intrusions, many airports generally provide that service) so that it doesn't open again", he heard a husky male voice from behind him. He turned to see a tall guy, around 6ft, in a trousers and shirt, with a red jacket over his shirt, looking at his suitcase and then at him..

 He turned to see a tall guy, around 6ft, in a trousers and shirt, with a red jacket over his shirt, looking at his suitcase and then at him

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"That's a good idea, thank you so much", jungkook replied, genuinely grateful for his timely help.

He helped jungkook lift the suitcase and place it on top of the trolley. Jungkook thanked him and went towards the 'Secure Wrap' service booth.

After making sure his suitcase was wrapped properly, he walked towards the counter to get his boarding pass. The guy who had helped him, was talking over phone and when he saw that jungkook's suitcase was fine, he nodded and smiled gently.

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