With a sigh, Carina speaks up, "Indeed, a love as pure as what Mama and Papa once shared, if you are so fortunate. Which is why sisters, if I shall marry for title or duty, even when I do not wish to be wed, so that you should not have to, I shall gladly do so. All I wish is for you all is to be happy. Whether that is with a love match, or being a 'spinster', I shall always stand by you and support you."

She held Daphne's shoulder comfortingly and told her with a smile, "So do not marry a man you do not wish to Daph, do not marry someone you shall not be happy with. I promise you, I will never let you marry against your will."

"Thank you sister, I want a love just like mama and papa's. I merely hope I am able to continue such a grand tradition.", a teary eyed Daphne replies. "Well, you need not marry this season if you do not find that love you deserve. There can always be next season, my sweet sister! Occasions like marriage shall not be rushed." Carina encourages her younger sister, and sighs when Daphne suddenly jumps up to give her a hug.

"Your dresses have arrived." the girls part hearing their mother's voice, and all of Carina's younger sisters, barring Eloise, rush to inspect the dresses while Daphne tries them on.

"Oh!", "Oh!" is heard all around.
"This one is quite ravishing." Daphne comments.
"Mary Edgecombe wore a similar shade last season." their mama told an excited Daphne, while Carina smiles softly at the joy on her sisters' faces and stands a little off to the side.
"And secured three offers the very next day, one from an earl." Daphne lets out, clearly astonished.

By now, Eloise had reluctantly followed her family, settled a few paces behind Carina and spoke up, "Mary Edgecombe, now the Countess of Fulton, apparently spent the last year living in a cottage hundreds of miles away from her earl. She is miserable. It says it all here." she remarks, reading from what looks like a scandal sheet.

"Do not tell me that is yet another scandal sheet. Eloise..." their mama let out impatiently, only to be interrupted by her rebellious daughter, "No, no, this one is different. This one lists subjects by name, in full."

Gasps are heard from the youngest Bridgerton girls, "Let me see!" Hyacinth and Fransesca fight over the sheet.
"Wait. Wait!" calls down Fransesca as she holds the paper and reads the name.

"Lady Whistledown." ponders Fransesca.
"Lady Whistledown"? questions Daphne.
"The author." Eloise remarks.
"Do we know a Lady Whistledown?" Violet inquires.
"Surely Lady Whistledown cannot be her true name." Fransesca reasons.
"What does it say, dearest?"their mama aks.

"She loathes the fact that we've been named alphabetically, oldest to youngest." Daphne read from the sheet, anxiously.
"Your father and I found it orderly." says their mama.
"Lady Whistledown finds 'banality'." confesses Daphne.
"The papers were distributed across town today without charge." Eloise says.

Their mother sat down with the sheet in her hands and Carina to her side, while Daphne read over their shoulders.
"Without charge? What kind of author..." whatever insult was about to come out of their mama's throat, got stuck in there as she let out a huge gasp. Carina read what was such a joyful surprise from beside her and announced with pride for her sister.
"Well, at least she has one thing right. She has named Daphne as the season's Incomparable. She calls you a 'diamond of the first water' ."

"Well, how lovely!" exclaims Violet.
"Stop speaking of me sister! Look what she wrote of you. She calls you the rare 'Royal Jewel' after the Queens admiration of you. She says, any man who manages to charm you to be his wife shall be the luckiest of the ton. We've both been named as the season's incomparable."
"Oh! I can not bear it- my darling daughters. Both so beautiful and wonderful." says their mama tearfully, and gives them a hug, overwhelmed with emotions.

Carina couldn't help but let out a tearful laugh too, happy for her sister, and her family. Happy, at last. She finally realised why she did this in the first place, and found a silver lining in the marriage ordeal- her family's happiness.


"Well, if this is not a sight for my sore eyes!" exclaims Lady Danbury upon catching sight of her beloved friend's son, Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings getting off of his horse. "My condolences, Your Grace, for your father.", she curtsied, as well as she could with her knees.

"Very kind of you." is the Dukes shallow reply.
"Kind of me? You hated the man." says Lady Danbury incredulously.
"It is so wonderful to see you, Lady Danbury." says the duke, with a rare, but genuine smile on his lips, to see the woman who raised him as his own.

"Words I do not hear often enough.Come.", and together they walk through the estate. "You must excuse the, uh, disorderliness. As you know, I'm to host a ball this evening."
"Yes." says Simon, clearly trying to avoid the topic altogether.

Simon would never marry, or have kids. That was the promise he made to his late father on his death bed. A vow he took, and a vow he intends to always keep intact. Amidst all this, there seems no reason for him to attend any kind of social occasion, especially during the marriage season when he is well aware it shall only bring the unwanted attention of bloodthirsty mamas and young ladies, barely out of drawstrings, desperate to marry him.

"I have managed to keep the details of your return quiet. But when those vulgar mamas discover that there is an eligible duke present at tonight's fete, I shall be able to keep such a secret no longer." comments Lady Danbury, clearly wishing for the young man to attend her ball.
"That is what I was hoping to discuss. I have only returned to London to deal with my late father's affairs. I'm afraid it leaves me no time to... socialize. And so, whilst I appreciate your most gracious invitation, Lady Danbury, I must ask you to accept my regrets." Simon lets out, nervously, reluctantly, for he could never deny Lady Danbury's requests, out of care, but mostly out of fear of the consequences.

"Your regrets... are denied." says the older woman sharply, instantly reminding Simon who he was speaking with.
"I suppose a brief appearance..." came his reluctant agreement, for who was he to deny The Lady Danbury.
"Excellent. You may leave that flask you carry at home. Most undignified."

Well, there goes his only possible way of refuge at the surely suffocating ball that evening.

Oh, the things he does for Lady Danbury, but then he supposes, whatever he shall do, shall never amount upto what she did for him when he was a mere boy.

Oh, the things he does for Lady Danbury, but then he supposes, whatever he shall do, shall never amount upto what she did for him when he was a mere boy

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