Innocent to Evil Ch1-Part2

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Chapter 1
Innocent to Evil-Part 2

Part 2

Present Day-Storybrooke

"Whoa," Henry whispered in an accentuated voice, that wasn't his own. His eyes were brimming with tears and widening with suspense as he read the last chapter.

He had so many questions, but he was determined to keep reading and learn the answers to his mother's story. No matter how emotional he was becoming for his mother's younger self, he felt an anxiousness in his gut about the events that would unfold next. With unexpected tears streaming down his face, he steeled himself and continued reading on.

Stupid girl-Enchanted Forest

Cora Mills was livid.

It was child's play to deceive the naive Snow White into revealing Regina's secret. Regina was foolish to think that the girl wouldn't betray her.

"Stupid girl."

She knew her daughter was hiding something, but she couldn't quite figure out what. She was disgusted to hear her daughter is fraternizing with a lowly stable boy. 'Oh, Regina, really!' she thought to herself.

"Stupid girl"

Cora sighed as she reflected on all the sacrifices and efforts, she had made to get her and her daughter to where they were now. Memories of her time as Miller's daughter with her cruel father rushed in, making her clench her fists and feeling the magic surge in her palms. She remembered the dull Eva, who had forced her to kneel before her just before Eva's ascension to the throne. She was nothing more than a spoiled princess then, much like her daughter Snow is now. Pathetic. Cora recalled her affair with Leopold before he had become King and how close she had been to becoming Queen until Eva had ruined it all. But she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the present situation.
There is no need to dwell on the past, as Eva is dead. It is time to crown a new Queen.

Regina is the key to Cora's ultimate revenge. Killing Queen Eva was one of the greatest sacrifices she ever made. She had killed before, and ripped out many hearts in her time, but this act of homicide felt exhilarating. Shapeshifting into the wretched blue fairy and manipulating Snow White for the first time, Cora couldn't help but smirk to herself and let out an evil chuckle. It was simply too easy, she thought.

Her foolish daughter would not be allowed to ruin this for her. The audacity of Regina to engage in a scandalous affair with that lowly peasant boy is utterly outrageous.

"Stupid girl"

Regina will not escape her fate. All the mirrors in the room shattered as her magical energy surged through her fingertips and she disappeared in a cloud of inky darkness.

Love is weakness-Enchanted Forest

Regina raced to the stables to meet Daniel as quickly as she could, her travel bag filled with all the

necessities for her escape with her love... and their unborn child. Regina was uncertain about how to approach the news of her pregnancy to Daniel, but she knew that once she told him, they would tackle it together. For now, they had to make haste and leave her estate swiftly. A pang of guilt tore through her chest for not being able to say goodbye to her father, but she knew it was the best decision in the end, as he would have tried to stop her in any case.
As soon as she arrived at the stables, she spotted Daniel already busy collecting their horses.

He saw her and greeted her with a huge grin, his face stretched from ear to ear as he exclaimed, "Are you ready?"

She ran into his arms, feeling the warmth of his embrace. They shared a quick kiss before Regina pulled away with a smile, saying, "Let's go," grabbing his hand.
Daniel was excited about the future and determined to be with the love of his life no matter what, focusing only on their shared vision and not considering any potential consequences.

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