the way you are

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Yoongi watches you puff out your cheeks, almost as if you were holding your breath. You swish it from one side to the other, staring at the phone in your hand. He sips his coffee, wondering what you had in such a fuss. Your contemplation hasn't gone unnoticed these days. You're being fairly quiet, hardly conversing with him, like you're trying to avoid him.

"What's going on?" he asks, watching you cower before him.

You shake your head. "Nothing."

He raises an eyebrow, hardly believing you. "Something has your panties all in a twist. A new guy or something?"

The biggest sigh leaves your lips. "Nope, I wish. You remember Jake? Ara's dad?"

Yoongi pretends to gag. "How could I forget? He's the biggest lowlife I know, and how do you date someone named Jake and then go and have a baby with him?"

You roll your eyes, annoyed with him. "You said you'd be nice."

"Did I though?" Yoongi teases. "What does he want now?"

"He wants to be more involved in Ara's life."

Yoongi tuts. "You're kidding me, right? Now he wants to be more involved? I'm more involved than he is."

"I'm truly grateful for that, but Jake's her dad, and I can't deny him wanting to be more involved."

"Actually, you can. When he chose to leave you and Ara, he gave up that right. What kind of dickhead leaves his girlfriend and kid?"


"What? I'm just saying that you deserve better. You and Ara deserve better than Jake." He watches you contemplate your next move, your thumbs lightly tapping on your phone, and guilt overtakes his recent comments against the guy that left you. He stands, making his way beside you on the couch. He sighs. "It's yours and Ara's life, and I can't tell you what to do. I just don't want to see you get hurt again."

You turn to him, your lips thin into a closed smile, before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. "You're really sweet for caring so much about us. Whoever ends up with you will be so lucky."

Yoongi pulls away from you, clearing his throat. "Why are you getting all gooey and shi–"

Ara's cry interrupts your conversation. The two of you look at each other in sync, saying, "I'll go get her."

"Yoongi, you've done so much lately. Let me get her." He nods and lets you do your thing.

The fact that you're allowing Jake to come back into your and Ara's life frustrates him. He watched you date the guy, let him move in, knock you up, and then leave. Sometimes, he just wants you to use your brain and think about Ara and how she'll have to grow up with a man in and out of her life. She doesn't deserve that; she deserves to have someone love her, sings her to sleep, hold her when she is scared, and play with her–not someone who shows up when they want to. He also thinks you deserve more than just a wishy-washy man who can't commit, but he's just your neighbor turned housemate. He doesn't have anything greater to offer you.

"Jake, you remember Yoongi?" You say, standing between the two in the doorframe.

"Hey–man, what's up?" Jake holds out his hand for Yoongi to shake, which he does with a reluctant groan.

Ara is ready to escape from your arms when Jake tries to say hi. "There's my baby girl." Yoongi rolls his eyes because that's what he calls her, but he knows it's not exclusive to him. "Where are you going?" Jake teases when Ara holds her arms out toward Yoongi.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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