The Country Trolls

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"We're here." Poppy says as she lands the balloon.

"You guys go ahead. I think I'm gonna stay here for a bit. At least until my stomach catches up with the rest of me." Alexis says as she feels nausea's.

"Are you okay Alexis?" Poppy asks as she looks at Alexis.

"Well you kind of pressed buttons regardless of her telling you to stop." Biggie says.

"Sorry Alexis. Again." Poppy says.

"Poppy before we go back up in that balloon you either read the manual or let branch take over. If not I'll walk home." Alexis says with annoyance in her tone as she looks at Poppy before laying her head back down.

"Sorry won't do it again. Just catch up to us when you feel better." Poppy says as she leaves with Branch and Biggie while Alexis stays in the balloon laying down in the basket.


"Poppy where are you guys?" Alexis asks as she is walking around town not seeing anyone or the others.

"Alexis we're in here." Poppy says as Alexis sees poppy sticking her arm out between some metal bars as Alexis goes over to her seeing the others are trapped in a little cell.

"Can you get us out?" Biggie asks.

"I'll do my best." Alexis says as she begins trying to pull the door open.

"Watch out!" Branch shouts as Alexis gets grabbed from behind before thrown into the cell with the others.

"Sorry sweetie but can't have you breaking out those who broke our laws. Now you can stay in here with them." A troll with red hair says as she closes the cell door and walks off.

"I guess it's back to plan B then." Branch says as he goes back to digging a hole with Biggie.

"Plan B it is. I guess we're going home." Poppy says as she sits against a door before the door is pulled off the building by a rope as Poppy and Alexis look to see one of the Country trolls freed them.

"It ain't right to put you in jail because your music's different. It seems some folks around here don't appreciate a rad medley when they here one. Let's skedaddle." The Country troll says as he winks at Poppy.

"Yes! Mission back on! Branch you can stop rescuing us now!" Poppy shouts as Biggie and Branch come out of the cell and see Poppy on the back of the Country troll.

"Poppy you don't even know who this is." Branch says as she gestures to the troll.

"No but he did rescue us." Alexis says as she goes over to the troll.

"I'm queen Poppy and this is Alexis. What's your name?" Poppy asks as she looks at the troll.

"Hickory." The troll says as he momentarily takes the piece of hay is chewing on out his mouth.

"Branch, Biggie this is Hickory." Poppy says as she gestures to Hickory.

"Enough with the formalities let's go. Uh this is Mr. Dinkles by the way." Biggie says as he and Alexis sit down on the cell door before the other Country trolls come outside looking angry.

"I say let's skedaddle!" Hickory says as he ties the rope around his waist and begins running pulling the door and the others with it while Branch runs to catch up with them as they are then chased by the other Country trolls before getting on the door and eventually getting his foot lassoed by one of the Country trolls as Alexis and Biggie hang onto him while a young Country troll comes out of the ground and bites him.

"Hickory look out!" Poppy shouts pointing to a gorge ahead.

"We're not gonna make it!" Alexis shouts.

"Oh yes we are." Branch says as he uses the young Country troll to cut himself lose and cause the group to rocket towards the gorge only to make it half way.

"Well hope Pop trolls can swim." Hickory says as the group fall into the water below.

"Poppy!" Alexis shouts as she rises to the surface of the water coughing while trying to swim to the others with no luck.

"Alexis!" Poppy shouts seeing Alexis is in the river being pulled the opposite direction from them.

"Hold on there little lady! I'll get you!" Hickory shouts.

"Don't worry about me! I'll catch up!" Alexis shouts as she is getting pulled further and further from the others down the river as she tried to swim against the current with no luck before just letting it carry her along.


Soon as Alexis is out of the river at night still cold and wet she soon begins to find herself having trouble to walk and barely able to stand.

"I'm sorry everyone. I guess this is where my journey ends." Alexis says as she stops walking and collapses from exhaustion before passing out in troll form.


As Alexis is waking up she finds herself in a colorful bed and sees a Funk troll looking like Cooper next to her as he notices Alexis is awake.

"Well good to see you're okay and finally awake. I thought we lost you for a little while." The troll says as Alexis smiles and hugs him as he smiles at her.

"Cooper! I'm so happy to see you! You look different. But it's a good different. You look really good." Alexis says as she pulls away from the troll.

"I think you got me confused but thanks for the compliment though." The troll says kindly as he smiles.

"Wait a second you're not Cooper? But you look so much like my friend." Alexis says confusedly.

"Hey I bought another blanket. Thought she may- Alexis! You're awake!" A voice shouts happily revealing to be Cooper as he quickly comes over and hugs Alexis while dropping the blanket he was holding.

"Cooper? Wait then who is this? Did I hit my head or something in the water?" Alexis asks as she looks back and forth between the two male trolls.

"Alexis this is my twin brother Darnell. Prince of the Funk trolls. He also goes by Prince D." Cooper says as Alexis gives a confused look.

"Prince? Funk trolls?" Alexis asks confusedly.

"We'll explain later. Get some rest. You were pretty exhausted when we found you." Darnell says.

"But-" Alexis then gets cut off by Cooper.

"Don't worry Alexis. I'm not going anywhere. Just do as my brother said." Cooper says as Alexis reluctantly nods and shifts to wolf form before getting up on the bed and laying down.

"Whoa. You're weren't kidding when you said she was a wolf." Darnell says as Alexis lifts her head up and looks at him.

"There a problem with that?" Alexis asks.

"Not a problem at all miss. I think it's pretty cool actually. My brother has told me about you and I think it's really kind of you to have done what you've done for him. I'll have to get to know you better sometime. But for now get some rest. I'm gonna go let our parents know she's okay. Stay with her." Darnell says as he leaves.

"I'm so happy to know you're alright Alexis. You really had me worried." Cooper says as Alexis smiles at him softly.

"Well I'm okay now. Besides I promised I would always be around for you and I meant it. I'll explain my side of things later." Alexis says as she falls back asleep causing Cooper to smile at her and put a blanket on her.

Royal Hearts Trolls Cooper X OC Alexis X DarnellWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt