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The girl was sitting in the ambulance with a blanket covering her. Sheriff Hicks, Mindy, and Wes were there. Ghostface ran off and was nowhere to be found. Mindy was holding her by her shoulders, and Wes was leaning over the ambulance door. His mom talked with other officers and looked around the crime scene. Camila had bandages and plasters on her wounds

As the girl was being comforted by Mindy and Wes a car pulled in, a familiar white car. A man stepped out of it. It was Dewy. 

The man approached the 3 teens in the ambulance.

"How are you feeling Sidney Junior?" He asked the pink-haired girl. The girl looked up to meet his gaze, They had a father-daughter relationship. He was her godfather after all. 

"Much better now" Camila chuckled slightly, Their exchange ended with Sherif Hicks coming up to them, Camila rolled her eyes when she saw the women coming to her. 

"So you're free to go" The sheriff spoke softly. 

"Dewy, Drive me to Mindy's house?" Camila asked standing up.

"Wait! You have to be with adult supervision, and Miss Meeks is 18 yet" Judy expressed. The two girls stopped in their tracks. 

"Who fucking cares" Camila mumbled to herself and they continued walking.

"If you don't she might arrest someone" Dewy whispered to the girls. 

"It'sIt'sIt's okay, you can just drive me home" Mindy exhaled. She was already excited to meet Dewy again, The last time she saw him was at Cam's house when she was 11.

They drove to the trailer with some catchy pop songs on the radio. Camila and Dewy already dropped Mindy off.

"Question" Camila broke the silence, Dewy hummed

"Do you have the Gale Wethers books?" She questioned leaning back in her seat, It was like 
01 am.

"I do, I even bought Ghostface Returns for you" Dewy laughed and Camila smiled. Her and her dad were never close. Dewy was the dad she always wanted

"So you still have a crush on that Liv girl?" Asked The man driving, She giggled.

"Yep, She has a boyfriend tho" The girl answered smiling, looking around Dewys car. 

"Well Mindy seems nice" The man spoke. Camila opened storage in the car and she found old pictures of Dewy and Gale. As well as a polaroid of Sidney and 7-year-old Camila.

"Can I take it?" She held the picture in her hand. 

"Of course" Dewy smiled and she smiled back

They pulled in next to his trailer. They got out of the car. Luckily for her, She had a lot of clothes at Dewy Trail so she could change there in the morning, well it was already 01 am. They both made the couch into a bed that she could sleep on.

Camila lay in bed for a moment, not being able to sleep.


Hey I heard what happened
I'm sorry

it's fine really
I'm just happy you're okay

She smiled to herself but quickly snapped out of it, Was she falling for Tara? No, She couldn't. She just had a date with Amber, Tara's best friend. 

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