Harry looked at me with frustration. "That's enough. I am going to dinner with my friend and I'll be back later. Now, I love you and please don't worry." He kissed me on my forehead, grabbed his jacket and left. I was left sitting in his dressing room. What had just happened? I was pleading with my boyfriend not to go out to dinner with that evil bitch and he went anyway. Was he insane? Was I insane? No, Meredith was insane. She connived her way into getting Harry alone and she won.

"Ms. Emerson? Are you ready to go?"

I jumped when I heard Marsh's voice behind me. "Marsh. Yea, sorry. Hey, Marsh can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you remember Meredith? Like, do you know anything about her?"

He looked down at his feet then looked back up to me. "Marsh, you have to tell me what you know. Please."

"Well, Ms. Emerson, she and Harry did have relations but she broke it off with him. He was upset but once he met you, he forgot she even existed. He fell instantly in love with you. He would talk about you constantly after he met you in London, wondering what you were doing or what you thought of him. He is very taken with you."

"Wow, I didn't know all that. That's, that's so sweet. I guess I just need to relax. Even if Meredith spilled her heart out to Harry right now, he wouldn't take her back."

Marsh nodded and grabbed my bag. I followed him out of the arena and into the black SUV. The trip back was short and it wasn't long before I was crawling into bed. Exhaustion hit from the crazy day and I was soon out.

I awoke with a soft light flooding into the bedroom. I reached over to find Harry's spot empty. I instantly sat up and felt sick. Where was Harry? The sun was rising and Harry wasn't back. My mind starting racing when I grabbed my phone to no missed calls or texts. The time read 4:34 AM. I quickly dialed Harry's number but it went right to voicemail. Panic set in when as I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. I wasn't sure where I was going but someone had to be up. I raced down to the lobby and couldn't imagine what I looked like right now running up to the hotel receptionist.

"Hey, hi, has Harry Styles come back yet?"

The lady behind the desk didn't even look up from her computer when she nodded. I waited for her to say something but she didn't.

"Um, when?"

"A few hours ago," she said in a strong Irish accent, still not looking up.

"Can you tell me if he was alone?"

She finally looked up. "Some blonde girl was with him."

My stomach dropped. I wanted to throw up all over her. "C-can you tell me where they went?"

"Probably back to a room," she said with a sarcastic tone.

"Look, lady, I need to know where he is. NOW."

"Sorry. That is not public information. It is against policy to give out that information. Anything else?"

I wanted to smack her. If she had any idea how angry I was right now, she would not be messing with me. "You need to tell me where he is right now or I swear-"


I snapped my head to the right where someone was calling my name. It was Marsh. Did he ever sleep?

"Marsh, thank God. I can't find Harry and this woman won't tell me where he is."

"Mr. Styles isn't with you?"

"No, which is why I'm down here trying to talk to this...woman who isn't helping at all."

Marsh joined me at the desk and pulled out his badge. I didn't even know he had a badge. "Ma'am, I am Harry Styles' bodyguard and I am going to need to know where he is right now."

She looked from Marsh to me then back to Marsh and let out a sigh. She started typing into her computer. "Room 1145. Last swipe was about an hour and 45 minutes ago. The room is in the blonde's name."

I raced from the desk as soon as I heard the room number. I wish I could tell what my mind was thinking but all it wanted was to get to room 1145 fast. I hit the elevator button repeatedly until one of them lit up and I jumped inside. Marsh was next to me as we watched the numbers get higher and higher until it dinged. I ran out with Marsh at my heels and found 1145. I started banging on the door. I didn't care about anyone else sleeping in the quiet hallway. I needed to see Harry with my own eyes.

My heart dropped when the door opened to Harry with no shirt on and Meredith's tan high heels laying on the ground. She was looking in the mirror adjusting her shirt and fixing her hair. She looked over Harry's shoulder at me and smirked and in the same moment she wiped the side of her mouth with her long pointy finger. Both of their cheeks looked flushed and I looked at Harry. His face was broken and in full shock.

I slowly backed up and shook my head.

"Rowan, wait. This isn't what it looks like."

I starting laughing. "Then what is this, huh? I woke up to you gone and find you both half naked inside her hotel room?? Please. Tell me what this is then because it looks pretty fucked up to me."

Harry looked down at the floor.

"You have nothing to say to me?"

He didn't. He didn't say one word. I ran from the spot I was just standing in; I wasn't sure where I was running to but it was far away from Harry. I heard him calling for me but I didn't look back.

(Did Harry cheat or is Rowan jumping to accusations?? Comment and vote xoxo)

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