-Chapter 1-

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the chiming of a bell; a new customer

When the bell chimes, allowing Felix to know that the first customer of the day has just walked in, he is still organizing the various types of bread, his back facing the door. There was a lot of traffic earlier in the morning, meaning that it has taken longer than usual for him to drive Minjun to school and then get back to the bakery, so he's a bit late on his schedule. Luckily, as to predict such a disaster of early morning, that night he wasn't able to sleep much, so he was down in the bakery earlier than usual and started baking the stuff for the day, which means that, by now, even if it's still kinda early in the morning, he's already rather tired. So, as he turns around, a pleasing smile on his lips, he really hopes the customer isn't the middle-aged snappy woman who is the perfect representation of what in the States is called a "Karen", he's not in the mood for an infuriating scolding on being lazy and not on time.

The sight he's presented with, however, is way more pleasant.

Still standing by the glass door, looking around and taking in the small shop, stands a man, older than Felix for sure, but most likely still in his twenties. Not that he can tell for sure, as the customer has a cap on and a mask for good measure, but his posture is strong, as well as his own figure. He's completely dressed in black, the fabric of his tank top hanging loosely off his broad shoulders, fading into the full-sleeve tattoo he is sporting on his bulky left arm. If one of the grannies that visit the bakery were to see such a man walk in, they probably would have a small heart attack, unable to understand what was such a dark and visibly strong man doing there, but he can see the gentleness and hesitation in the other's movements. Relaxing his muscles, Felix springs forward, getting in front of the variety of pastries showcased by the counter.

«Good morning... what would you like to have?» he asks, bubbly, trying to catch the customer's attention.

Finally, the man turns towards him, acknowledging his presence. Under the cap, his eyes widen a bit, but Felix doesn't know why.

«Whoa, I...» he starts, stumbling over his words «Umh, nice shop» he goes on, eyes trailing back to the room, the hand on which the sleeve tattoo ends coming up to brush the back of his neck.

His voice is rather charming, thick but still flowy and extremely sweet with a hint of musicality in it, like honey. Felix is rather used to describing someone with ingredients he is most likely to use when he bakes, seeing that it's his work.

«Thank you» Felix chimes, pleased.

«I- I hope it's not too early...» the man trails off again, stepping closer to the counter.

«Oh, not at all, as long as the sign at the door says "open", you're fine!» he exclaims, letting out a giggle for good measure.

The other's eyes crinkle up, his smile hidden by the mask «Nice... is it possible to have breakfast?»

«Sure thing, order away» Felix smiles back, gesturing at the array of pastries «The drinks are up there» he then supplies, pointing at a chalkboard right next to the bread showcase.

The man nods slowly, observing the pastries closely with a critic eye, like he has to make the choice of a lifetime. Felix knows these kinds of customers, ever the indecisive ones. It's endearing, though, especially when it's a kid. For a second, his mind goes to Minjun and he instinctively hopes he's having a good day at school, even though he was a bit late to classes due to the traffic. Felix was a bit sorry, but Minjun's teacher, who came to retrieve the kid, assured him he was fine and the wide smile Minjun offered him melted away all his worry.

coziness /Chanlix/जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें