"You should marry me. It seems like I can't live another minute without you. Please don't refuse me"

Hobi hissed furiously. ''How can you ask this?"

"What are you saying Hobi?"

''I don't like you!''



"Look at me and tell me! What's wrong with me? Why... What about the baby growing inside the stomach?"

"It was an accident…"Hobi said

"and the future with it!Yoongi asked

"I'm going to have an abortion."

"Oh Aruna... how can you talk like this?
Baby... I want the whole of my inheritance!"

"I can't... I'm going to have an abortion."

Sitting up next to her and clasping his hands, Yoongi said, “I don't care about your old life"

Namjoon who was there said.
"Marry Yoongi, Hobi." He shouted in between of talking

"Stop it. Don't say anything more than that, please... "Hobi pleaded

"Hobi dear. I want you... Then my life will be formed by mixing with your life. That is enough Hobi. I have nothing in this world. Don't. Please… please..." Yoongi asked.

"What are you going to do with the engaged Jack? " Hobi asked.

"I never fell in love with her for a single day! I don't know how to say it. Since the beginning, I have had a love, desire and attraction for you. My heart has longed for you many times.." He stopped saying that.

"I need time. Ten days... think about it. No one should visit in between."Hobi said firmly.

Namjoon said. I am going on a fortnight tour for the company. Hobi, will you give a good answer to Yoongi!" After the tour, Yoongi should be given a pleasant surprise by telling about Hobi.he plans on telling about Hobi's sanctity to Yoongi. Namjoon was in guilty thinking about this.

Yoongi passed the days in agony. When he went to the office, he couldn't do any work. Even when he comes home, he stays in the room without talking to his family. In the evening, he would take the car... he would park it on the beach without seeing the dirt... he would go to a place where there was no traffic... he would stare at the sky with his hands as a pillow. It will be past midnight to return.

Yoongi's father did not ask anything from his son.

It was difficult when Namjoon was not in the city. There are two more days left for Yoongi to finish what Hobi said... He can't be alone. Even so, he called Namjoon as if he was going crazy. "Namjoon please come.. I can't. I was alone...
I'm going crazy...I'll start wandering all over the place.."

"What are you talking about? How can you leave just in time for a big business deal? Think a little. How many crores of profit will our company get due to this?"Namjoon shouted

"I don't want profit... I don't want land. Man, I'm burnt here… please come"

"Yoongi... I came in the middle like this... Father will think of me? Are you asking me to betray Savar by entrusting him with such a big responsibility? Is this good?"Namjoon said

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