8 - Culinary Slamdown

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Folarin looked around the interior of the restaurant when the waiter went to get their meals. Not bad, he thought. But one doesn't judge the food of the restaurant simply by its interior, he was a Chef, he knew that quite well.

He didn't want to come. Infact, minutes ago, he had been at the backseat of Reggie's car, reclining and flipping through one of the books Chef Rouge had handed over to him.

The new class Chef Rouge had wanted him to lead would begin soon, and he had been to lots of the Chef's classes and stood alongside him to know what to do. But to put that into action was a whole different ballgame, and he wouldn't do anything less than the best, especially under the watchful eyes of the other Head Chefs.

It was in the middle of his study that his friend with the bottomless pit he called a stomach had announced, "I'm hungry!"

"Tell us something we don't know," Folarin commented.

"Alexa, find restaurants nearby for me," Tayo said.

"We aren't going to any restaurants," Folarin said. "We are only here on the mainland for Reggie's quick dash to collect something from his friend."

"Look, I needed that laptop urgently for work," Reggie said from the driver's seat. "And I'm sorry I didn't mention I was coming to the Mainland."

"I found one, good reviews," Tayo said as he browsed his phone. "It's three minutes away. Reggie, please, take the next turn."

"He's not taking any next turn," Folarin protested.

"Actually, I'm kind of hungry myself," Reggie said. "I could use some food."

Folarin groaned and flipped the next page. He pushed himself up, and clenched his teeth when pain shot through his cast hand.

"You okay back there?" Reggie asked, watching him through the rearview mirror.

"If you keep driving like a tortoise, I won't be," Folarin replied.

Minutes later, they parked their car in the park of a comfortable looking restaurant. Tayo was the first to get down, and Reggie's phone rang. Folarin watched as he stared at it and silenced it.

"Tiwa?" Folarin asked.

"She's been using different numbers to call me," Reggie said. "I just need some space now."

Folarin tapped his friend's shoulder, and Reggie looked back at him. "Are you still planning on getting back together with her?"

"Look, she's sent tons of apology texts..."

"Oh God," Folarin groaned and stepped out of the car. Tayo, who had already began recording the venue, probably for his YouTube channel or Instagram account, paused it and looked between Folarin and Reggie.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Romeo over there wants to get back with psycho Juliet," Folarin said.

"No! Reggie, listen, I will tell you what my mother always tells me," Tayo said. "This is not normal, this has become a spiritual matter."

"Look, guys," Reggie started. Folarin stopped in his steps, and lifted his head so he could watch Reggie from beneath the hood of his cap.

"I haven't decided, so can we not talk about this anymore?" Reggie asked. "Just, please?"

Tayo looked at Folarin. Folarin shrugged.

"There's another thing I would really like when we step in," Tayo said before they moved. "And that's for Folarin not to ruin the vibe by criticizing the foods."

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