Remaining Inconspicuous

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Speaking of the conversation, Gorgon brought focus back to it as he asked just what Crystal meant by him being stubborn and the Inhuman Princess laughed nervously before replying how it was nothing and that they should get to training. Gorgon grunted in response before turning around to lead the way to the training room but Crystal paused and looked back at you, suggesting you come along to see her train as you could continue your conversation afterwards. It was a suggestion that Gorgon of course opposed.

"I don't think that is wise, if he sees the extent of your powers then he could relay it to human forces" the heavy-footed Inhuman stated firmly but Crystal argued how that was not even a possibility, for starters you had no way to contact the outside world. "It is still unwise" Gorgon persisted and Crystal insisted how you weren't a threat, asking why nobody but Lockjaw could see that.

In response to this, Gorgon grunted, sneering a belligerent response of relenting. "Fine, but if he puts a toe out of line..." the brutish Inhuman made a point to raise his hoof and you shuddered at the thought of the strength before meekly whimpering that you would stay in line. Gorgon didn't respond further as he waved a beckoning hand whilst leading the way, grunting in annoyance as Crystal looked at you with an expression of triumph at actually convincing Gorgon to go along with her idea.

"Come on, this also gives me a chance to show you what I really do with my powers!" She beamed before taking hold of your hand and pulling you behind her as she followed Gorgon. You felt a cold sweat run down your spine as you were led to the large training room, moving to the side to keep out of the way whilst Crystal and Gorgon got ready.

"Are you prepared, Princess?" Gorgon asked as he stood on the opposite side of the large room and Crystal nodded as she stood ready. "I may be a Princess but I can still fight, I've gotten stronger since last time" she spoke with confidence and Gorgon gave a nod before he raised his hoof and brought it down hard.

You weren't even in the main area of effect for the attack and you staggered about, falling over as Crystal used her powers to stabilise the ground around her before creating a thick wall of ice to block a rock which Gorgon threw. The rock shattered the ice but the barrier served its purpose of protecting Crystal as she jumped back enough for the shards to miss her, then she used her powers again to go on the offence as she threw her hands forwards to create a large gust of wind to try and knock Gorgon off balance.

Of course, it wasn't as simple as that, a light breeze wouldn't knock over a tree after all. To Gorgon the wind blast was little more than a breeze as he stepped forward before stomping the ground again, this time rubble started to fall from the ceiling and Crystal was put back on defence as she moved out of the way. As for you, the shaking ground caused you to fall again as you were trying to stand up, your knees buckling so you landed on your butt.

Looking forward and watching, this "training" seemed very aggressive from Gorgon's side as his expression was quite stern. But then the battle was between two people with powers so it was far from a bout of fisticuffs, especially seeing Crystal threw a fireball forward with it colliding with Gorgon only for him to brush a few embers aside. It was impressive but at the same time terrifying to watch as both combatants were wielding devastating strength, though Gorgon was of course holding out better.

Fire balls, clumps of Ice, boulders; Crystal was throwing a lot at Gorgon but he was brushing it all off with ease. As stated, it was impressive but terrifying, making you realise that the guard's intimidation when you were locked up was little more than a percentage of his power. But then there was Crystal.

You knew she had elemental powers, and sure she may not be as strong as Gorgon, but what she was capable of was incredible. You watched her summon strong winds to try and stagger Gorgon, she created mini-tornados that took your breath away. She also made the ground shake as well, not to the same extent as her opponent but still enough, causing rocks to jut out from the ground to try and knock Gorgon off balance. Crystal created paths of ice and walls of fire, she was able to wield her powers with great prowess and you had to pick your jaw up off the floor, when you weren't trying to pick yourself up, from how amazed you were.

Crystal could see you were impressed, it boosted her confidence actually as she even decided to experiment with her abilities to show off even more. Gorgon seemed to notice as well as he warned Crystal to focus; "be confident but don't get cocky with your powers" he advised but Crystal remained my confident. "I'm not even trying yet, watch this!" She exclaimed before using strong winds to even lift herself up into the air.

Crystal was using her powers to fly, remaining airborne as she challenged Gorgon to try and hit her now she was off the ground. This challenge was met with a grunt before the Inhuman bruiser picked up a large boulder with ease and launched it, forcing Crystal to push herself to the side. She appeared to lose her balance a little and you got to your feet quickly as you spoke up.

"Woah, isn't that a bit much?!" You asked as Gorgon threw more larger rocks towards Crystal as she was again forced onto the back foot, figuratively speaking seeing she was airborne. "I mean, maybe smaller rocks?" You spoke again, suggesting Gorgon to ease up but he ignored your advice even if he responded.

"Silence Human! This doesn't involve you!" Gorgon snarled before stomping his hoof for more rubble to fall to not only provide more ammunition for him to throw, but also to force Crystal to move out of the way. You were again knocked over by the force of the ground shaking, falling flat on your face before looking up just in time to see some of the falling rubble hit Crystal's shoulder and which knocked her off balance. But then her focus was lost and the winds she summoned to support her cut out, resulting in her starting to fall from the air.

"Crystal!" You exclaimed as you quickly pushed yourself to your feet, rushing forward whilst dodging the rubble and ice that was in your way as you made your way beneath where Crystal would land. This resulted in her landing on you as you didn't catch her as you did cushion her fall, you took the impact of her landing as you were knocked over again with her on top of you.

Grunting as you crumbled to the ground, you slowly lifted your head to look at Crystal as she was smiling at you. "You alright?" You asked and she nodded her head, replying that she was fine before thanking you for "catching" her. You grunted before nodding your head as you looked over to Gorgon who was approaching.

"Didn't you get too aggressive at the end?" You asked him in an accusatory manner only for Crystal to assure you that she was fine, that this wasn't even the roughest training match she has had with Gorgon before as he can really go all out when it comes to testing the limits of those he is sparring with. He was holding back even more than you were expecting and an expression of horror turned on your face as you exclaimed that fact.

"I held back because you were in the way, otherwise I would have tested Crystal even more, your frail body would be unable to withstand the full power of my attacks and you haven't given me reason to crush you...yet" Gorgon added menacingly at the end, amused at the intimidated expression on your face before he turned serious again. "You got in the way of Crystal's training" he then emphasised and you gulped.

To explain your actions, you simply said you thought Crystal was hurt and she again assured you she was fine. "Though I appreciate the concern, thanks for catching me also" she smiled at you and you nodded. "Yeah, sure" you replied as you gave a cautious smile back, meanwhile Gorgon kept his intense stare on you.

"Hmm" He then hummed and you looked his way, Crystal asking if something was wrong but he shook his head. "It is nothing, we will cut training short for today" he brushed Crystal's question off but she ignored that fact and simply nodded, saying they will continue next time and Gorgon nodded before telling her not to be late next time. Then, with a final glance your way, he turned and walked away, leaving you alone with Crystal again as she looked at you with a smile on her face.

"So, what did you think? Not your usual Princess, am I?" She asked and you admitted that you didn't expect her to be able to do all you have seen. "You showed me some of your powers before, but I'd never expected that, I mean you were flying!" You exclaimed and Crystal couldn't help but giggle at your expression, smiling at you as she got up.

"Anyway, how about we go for a walk again, we can talk some more about my powers?" She suggested and you nodded your head, replying how that sounded good before cracking your back and shaking your legs from how you hit the ground after "catching" Crystal.

The two of you then left the training room, making your way towards the main entrance of the Palace as Crystal told you more about your powers. Neither of you noticed Gorgon looming in the shadows as he stood watching the two of you, arms crossed as he observed the two of you leaving the palace.

"Hmm" the Royal Guard hummed to himself before he started walking away, thinking about what happened at the end of the sparring match.

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