Panzerfaust: Have you ever been in a dungeon before?

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Panzerfaust: Have you ever been in a dungeon before?

Y/n: Um.....No I haven't.

Panzerfaust: Then you'll just love our dungeons! You see,whenever we take in a prisoner, they always seem to stay forever! They must love staying there to the point where they don't ever want to leave!

Y/n: Uh....I don't -

Panzerfaust gives Y/n a look of pure innocence.

Y/n: You know what? Yeah... they sure do big guy.

Y/n said before his focus fell onto Panzerfaust's arm.

Y/n:....Is that a tank?

Y/n points as Panzerfaust's eyes widen before he lifts up his arm, presenting it over to the teenager.

Panzerfaust: Of course! A good soldier must always be ready for the glory of war!

Y/n: But.....didn't the war end a long time ago? Like decades ago?

Panzerfaust only ignores Y/n as he tinkers with his unnecessary super weapon. Y/n only sighs as he slouches a bit before Ddraig decides to talk with him in his mind.

Ddraig: You know you had one more shot left to use against that army, right? Why didn't you just disintegrate them to give yourself a chance of escape?

Y/n stayed silent before speaking.

Y/n: (Thoughts:....I don't want to cross that line Ddraig.)

Ddraig: You don't agree with killing a person, but giving them severe brain damage is something you're okay with?

Y/n only lightly chuckled to himself.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Oh, come on. I at least try to hold back.)

Ddraig: I think your definition of holding back tends to change every second......

Y/n only rolls his eyes as his mind wonders off to another subject.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Alright, so escape plans. What do we have?)

Ddraig: Well, since you're going to be taken in, the soldiers will be dispersed. Just make sure you don't shoot your shot when the princess is with you. I have a bad feeling about her.

Y/n: (Thoughts: And why's that?)

Ddraig: One, she's got way more going on for her, and two, you don't like hitting women, remember?

Y/n: (Thoughts:...I guess that's fair. Guess we have to wing it at the right time)

Ddraig: That's our best shot.

Drraig said while Y/n nods in approval before feeling the car come to a sudden halt.

Panzerfaust: We have arrived!

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