A Normal Family Dinner

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Rhaenyra and Alicent looked directly at each other, both had saddened looks on their faces.

"She has tended to him with... unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude... and my apology."

"Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess," Alicent said a few moments after Rhaenyra sat back down.
"We are both mothers... and we love our children. We have more in common
than we sometimes allow." Rhaenyra sharply turned her head to Alicent as she began to stand.

"I raise my cup to you and to your house. You will make a fine queen."

I could tell Otto did not like the last part at all. His side-eye would pierce through Alicent and Rhaenyra if it could.

Once again there was silence around the table as everyone gulped down their drinks to the toasts of the Princess and the Queen.

My eyes interlocked with Luke, and I gave him a soft, sincere smile. I still felt a weird tension. Jace and Luke kept giving me awkward looks and Aemond had his eye on me as if I had gone mad.

Eventually, it felt as if the awkwardness had grown too much when Jace stood up.

"To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond." He declared.

I guess I wasn't really able to change much. Well... this time Jace wasn't antagonized when he gave his toast. And Aemond was still seated, so that was a good sign.
"We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear uncles."

Aemond looked disgusted while Rhaenyra looked on proudly at the self-control and diplomacy of her son.

"Beware the Beast beneath the boards," Helaena whispered softly beside me.

Still? I was hoping to change everything. I was no longer that Aegon. Would the prophecy still apply? Would I not be able to change it?

Viserys tapped his cane on the floor. "Well done, my boy," he said to Jace.

"I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena," Helaena said, standing up.

"They'll be married soon. It isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you... except sometimes when he's drunk."

Daemon cackled loudly as Helaena awkwardly slid back into her seat. I wasn't that Aegon anymore, but I could still feel the embarrassment of her words and the looks from Jace, Luke, Rhaena, and Baela.

"Good," Otto said, leaning in towards Helaena.

"Let us have some music." The King ordered.

If I really wanted to change things, I would have to create a different reality with my actions.

"I would like to say something," I said, standing in my seat. The music had barely started but suddenly stopped.

"I wakened today with a striking..." I placed a hand on my cheek. Alicent's eyes showed fear of what I was going to say. "... realization."

Everyone looked directly at me. I wasn't a great speaker in front of an audience, but I had to power through it.

"I am the son of a King. A King the tales and songs will forever remember, as good. Unfortunately, I cannot say I would share the same fate. My actions thus far have been unbecoming of a son of Viserys the First."

All eyes were still glued on me but now expressed surprise and concern.

"I would like to change my fate. And I will start right now by making vows to the three most important women in my life."

I raised my cup in Alicent's direction. She looked back anxiously.

"Mother, I know that I have made you ashamed of having a son like me. But the pain in your eyes I saw this morning, I longer wish to make you ashamed. I wish to make you proud to call me your son. For that, I vow to you, I will try my best from today on."

Alicent's eyes glistened, and she had a soft smile on her face. I returned the smile and turned my attention to Helaena.

"My wife. I am well aware that I have been a negligent husband. Your toast just now has made it even more apparent. Despite what you or others might believe... I care for you Helaena."

There was an unnerving silence around the table. Clearly, everyone had been shocked by seeing this side of Aegon. Aemond seemed as if he was absolutely fuming.

"Helaena, I vow that I will no longer let you feel ignored or forsaken. I vow to be a faithful husband to you. Worthy of your devotion and mayhaps even love."

Helaena looked at me stoically. I looked at her for a few seconds, but she turned her head away from me, focusing on the plate in front of her.

"Most importantly, I wish to vow to my older sister," I declared, raising my cup in Rhaenyra's direction. The mood around the table suddenly changed. It was as if something had snapped and now everyone was alarmed.

"For years, many have expected that our Lord Father would change his decision and by the laws of the realm would name me, his first-born son, his heir."

Rhaenyra's face stiffened. She raised an eyebrow, eyeing me curiously. Daemon's face hardened as well as he sat alert and upright.

"For the past twenty years, our King has been steadfast in his decision of appointing you heir, and today I wish to tell you that I whole-heartedly agree with father's decision."

The utter shock was apparent on the face of everyone around the table. Aemond almost spat, and Otto looked as if he would reach over and strangle me.

"As my mother just said, you will make a fine Queen. So, to the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, I swear my fealty and complete support."

The tension around the table could be cut through with a butter knife. Neither the Blacks nor the Greens had even fathomed that Aegon would make the declaration that I just did. No one said anything as gazes shifted around the table.

"Well done... my son." King Viserys eventually spoke up. Alicent looked surprised and then ecstatic. I am pretty sure it was the only time Viserys had acknowledged Aegon as his son.

There was silence once again.

I put down the cup that I was holding and instead extended my hand in front of Helaena. She stared at the hand and then looked up at me. I gestured towards my hand with a nod of my head. Helaena stared at me for a few more moments before very reluctantly placing her hand in mine. I pulled her out of her seat and onto the dance floor.

"Music please!" I said to the servants holding the instruments. They began playing and I slowly began dancing with Helaena.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long because mere minutes later Aemond stood up to toast to the "Strong" boys. Jacerys reacted aggressively to the double meaning, charging at Aemond who immediately pushed him back. Lucerys ran out of his seat to his brother's aid, but I immediately ran between him and Aemond.

I remembered in the original timeline, Aegon pinned Luke on the table, but I didn't even face him. Instead, I faced Aemond and pushed him back.

"Stand down brother!" I yelled at him.

Aemond looked at me in disbelief. Behind me, Jace and Luke began to charge but Daemon stepped in. He signaled Rhaenyra's sons back.

"Go to your chambers. All of you." Rhaenyra ordered her sons along with Baela and Rhaena.

Daemon and Aemond now faced each other, intensely staring at one another. Daemon's face was presenting a challenge. Luckily Aemond did not feel up to it because he simply walked away.

"I apologize on his behalf Princess," I said, bowing to Rhaenyra and going after Aemond.

The "peaceful" Targaryen dinner had reached its end. 

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