"Good morning bible" I chuckle before drinking my hot chocolate"why are you here so early?"

"I'll be traveling out in the next three hours so I decided to drop here and say happy birthday" he says taking one of the toast"happy birthday"

"Thank you"

"Grandpa!!"Noah scream rushing down the stairs running into bible awaiting arms as he swirl him around laughing together with him before putting him down

"My boy" bible says with excitement

"Good morning Grandpa" Noah giggles "how are you?" Noah asks smiling

"I'm fine" He says kissing his forehead before looking towards us"ha!" He mocks "someone that actually cares"

"We care" Gem says as he huffs

"I got you something....look" he points towards the stuffs on the table as Noah eyes widen"You said you wanted a teddy bear hope you like it"

"For me?" Noah asks in shock as he stares at the stuffs before a smile makes it onto his face

"Yep" bible says watching him with the brightest smile I've seen on him

"Thank you"

"Thank you"

"Thank you"

"Thank youuuuuuuuu" Noah extends jumping in excitement while I watch in awe. Bible spoils Noah I won't be surprise if he gets him a house because he heard him say he wanted a house.

"You're welcome" he replies smiling down at him

"Why do I feel like I'm being replaced" Gemini says raising his brows

"Took you that long to notice" bible says making me laugh as Gemini glares in annoyance

"After everything we've been through" He says but bible just shrugs

"Noah do you need help?" I asks as I see the boy try to carry something twice his size

"I'm good..." He mutters staggering a little as he climbs the stairs

"You sure?" I asks worried going to help him but he stops me

"I can do it myself" he says

"Okay"I say as I watch him move up the stairs carefully trying not to fall with a large bear blocking most of his vision while I followed him Incase he trip I watch as he continues still he entered his room that was already opened laying it on his bed with a tired groan that was covered with many dolly toys thanks to bible"you did great"

"I did" he says proudly as I give him a high five

"Nice.... let's go to school" I say as he nods before packing his bag he packed some small notes,few pens and his drawing book

"I'm ready" he says putting his backpack on. I took his hand in mine as we walk down the stairs

"I'm going to drop Noah" I echo going straight to the out door before I stopped seeing he doesn't have a lunch kit"your lunch pack?"

"Oh.." he runs to the kitchen getting them before coming straight to my arms "let's go"

"Did you give papa a kiss?" I asks opening the door. He nods

"And Grandpa too" he says "he looked shocked as always" he giggles showing his cute dimples. I nod smiling as we left the house greeting the securities on the way I put Noah in the passenger seat then sliding into the driver seat I pull out the driveway heading to Noah's school. Today's my birthday the same day I meet Gemini I don't usually celebrate birthday's I mean why celebrate getting older but that day I decided to go celebrate myself and meet the love of my life even when I don't celebrate or tell anyone about it I somehow come to school and meet cake and gifts inside my locker. My phone rings I saw it was my mom I picked it up smiling

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