"go on," he said.

"you all played shit last game," she said.

he didn't feel any shock to her words because he knew she was right. they were awful and he felt wholly responsible.

"i know. we've been dire at the moment. well, since the start of the season really. i just feel shit about it because we're disappointing the fans and there's been a weird atmosphere lingering in anfield and it just doesn't feel right. i hate it. i feel responsible for fucking all of it."

trent took a deep breath after, one he didn't realise he had been holding in for so long. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to rant, i know you're not exactly wanting to hear it. especially not from me."

"you can't blame yourself trent, you're not playing by yourself, you're in a team. everybody is going to contribute in making mistakes. and i promise you from a fan perspective, all of us still have 100% faith in all of you. we would be shit fans if we didn't and you know as well as me how much these fans adore the club."

trent felt a pang of deja-vu. he missed her talks when he thought nothing was ever going to get better.

"i've never felt so fucking humiliated in my life," complained trent as he stormed into the room.

"trent come on," signed lorelai.

"no lor i was awful. i don't even know what went wrong."

"you need to stop blaming yourself trent, it not all your fault that you lost 6-0."

"thanks for that. against fucking united as well. i hate them."

"and i do but i'm not blaming you for anything because you were at fault for one goal trent. even if they hadn't scored that one it would be 5-0."

"you're only saying that because you don't want to tell me the truth."

"trent if you think i'm lying to you i'll walk out right now."

"go then."

lorelai sighed before wrapping her arms around trent's neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. his head dropped down into the crook of her neck.

"i'm sorry," trent mumbled into lorelai's shoulder.

"i know."

"i hate losing."

"thank you," trent replied.

another silence fell. this one more comfortable than the last.

"do you want a drink?," asked trent.

"water for me," said lorelai. "thank you."

"curtis im going to murder you," shouted trent as he stormed into the kitchen. "i know you were 100% in on this."

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