Queen jade

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Queen jade stared out the window of the pixie dust tree , and watched the fast flying fairies help guide two dandelion fluffs towards the tree.

She sighed . She didn't have time for this she was running away tonight to save the child in her womb . No one knew she was with child . The queen was very unsure of how her subjects would treat her if they found out .

After she became queen her advisors informed her that she should never have a child . It was very dangerous . Two of the past queens had children, but alas those children grew up to be evil .

Jade just knew that if her child were to grow up in pixie Hollow something bad would happen to it .That was why she had to flee . She wasn't brave enough to face the unknown . Surely pixie hollow would be fine without her , they'd find another more worthy queen for the throne .

Just then a knock sounded at her bedroom door . " Your highness , there are two new fairies !" Said lilac ,the minister of spring

."yes I'll be right with you !" Called jade as she ran over to her bed to hide her suitcase , filled with clothing and food . As she ran she stubbed her toe . A couple drops if blood fell onto the floor. The queen cursed under her breath .

"Jade are you alright ? I'm coming in ." Lilac said , concerned . Jade then grabbed her suit case and shoved it under the bed . Seconds later lilac opened the door and flew in .

Lilac was a short , thin fairy with pale blonde hair and warm brown eyes

. "I'm glad to see you're okay , I thought you must have fallen " she said to the queen . Jade smiled warmly . Lilac was the nicest fairy she had ever met .

"Yes , I'm fine . Thank you for your concern . I only stubbed my toe ." Jade responded .

"Oh my ! Do I need to fetch a healing talent fairy . Is it broken ? Do you feel light headed ? Is the blood circulating ???!!! " The mister asked ,panicking . Jade then burst out laughing . Lilac pouted .

"I'm being serious !!!" The small fairy exclaimed , her voice rising to a squeak .

"I'm sorry lilac , dear . But I'm not dying . It already stopped bleeding anyhow . " she said . Lilac smiled . She was pleased to know her queen was alright .

"Oh my look at the time ! We're late ! " the minister exclaimed jade hopped up off the bed . And flew to her vanity . She then pulled her long silky black hair into an elaborate bun .

Lilac handed the queen a pair of silk shoes . While jade put them on lilac placed her crown on head .

Jade checked herself in the mirror . Her green slanted eyes stared back .

Her green kimono looked stunning on her . The silk dress was getting a little a tight on her since her stomach had grown , but There was nothing she could do about that now though .

The two fairies quickly flew down the hall to meet with the remaining minsters . When they arrived nutmeg looked angry .

"Why are .you late ?! " she demanded. Lilac shrunk back behind jade .

"I apologise , I had stubbed my toe and lilac was helping me ." The queen said to nutmeg .

Nutmeg was the minister of autumn . She was tall , had dark brown hair and cold brown eyes . She was always mean and strict . No one liked her .

"Hey jadey , how's it going . " Said jake , the minster of summer .

"Very well thank ." The queen said and shook her head , smiling .

Jake was handsome and flirted with every one . She liked him well enough . She turned to ski , the minister of winter .

"Hello ski . How are you ?" He was very shy so he only nodded and smiled politely. Jade smiled back .

Just then madam katalina flew by . She was the strict royal advisor .

"I see you're late jade " she chastised . The queen sighed .

"I'm sorry , I was delayed ." She apologised .

"Well , see to it that it doesn't happen again!" The old hag screamed .

Jade flinched ,she was never very fond of katalina . The old fairy was bony and wrinkled . There was talk that she would soon pass away . Either way she and her baby would soon be free .

With that in mind she and the ministers flew into to main room to greet the two new fairy sisters .

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