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,,Draco wait up!!" The words just floated out of your mouth.

,,Hurry up then" He laughed

,,took you long enough haha" he chuckled as you just stood there panting

,,woah what's that?" You pointed to the honey horizon covered in specks of white and a blend of baby blue and peach.

,,it's....beautiful.." you mumbled whilst in awe, afterwords searching through the meadows in front of you, your eyes widening.
Draco then stared at you but you acted like you didn't notice and gave yourself a brief smile, the myriads of flowers glistened in your breath taking grey eyes that lit up on top of a hill.

,,Honey it's time to go!" You heard your mother call out to you

,, awe I don't want you to leave though.." Draco pouted

,, I don't wanna leave either.. but don't worry I'll see you next week!" You shot him a small smile as he pulled you into a hug

,, here I got you something!" He exclaimed as he gave you a beautiful bracelet, you looked at it in shock

,, thanks dray!" You examined the bracelet as you put it on

,, come on now it's time to go!" Narcissa announced, you gave eachother a glare and ran to the Malfoy Manner

,, sorry mother , we just had to watch the sunset.." you mumbled as Draco glanced at you then he disappeared into the abyss of his house. That day was probably the best day of your life but everything has to end. Including this..

I'm really sorry this is soo bad but basically your Pansy Parkinson's sister!!

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