001) recognizable duo

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" birds don't sing, they just fall from the sky "

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" birds don't sing, they just fall from the sky "

- birds don't sing , tv girl

now let's go !

chris roamed the hallway looking for someone to talk to, or more specifically he was looking for his brother, matt. the boy clicked his tongue walking down the school halls. earning some 'hi's' from desperate girls. 

he found his brother sitting against his locker waiting for third period to start. he had his airpods in and was looking at his phone so he had absolutely no clue chris was even near him. chris stood over matt and waved his hand to grab his attention.

matt looked up at the long haired boy and easily took off his airpods. chris took a seat next to matt on the ground. matt grabbed his bag and pulled out some corn nuts. he tilted the bag at a certain angle to pour some into chris' hand.

"dude not even kidding, franco's test is hard as fuck" chris threw some corn nuts into his mouth. expressing his hate for a test he had taken earlier.

"was it hard or are you just stupid?" matt mocked chris, chris quickly punched matt's arm after that comment. 

just as chris looked up, he saw the very recognizable duo. astrid and addison. 

astrid beckett and addison king have been best friends since the second grade, everyone knew that nobody or anything would come between their friendship. they were that friend duo that just laughs the whole time in the back of the classroom. making stupid jokes and ironically laughing at them. 

chris didn't know why but astrid had pretty much been the only popular girl who hadn't been head over heels for him. chris wasn't sure if he hated or loved it. 

𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 • chris sturnioloDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora