7 (R)

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The pogues came a couple of hours before the party started

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The pogues came a couple of hours before the party started. They all hung out in the backyard, grilling and swimming in the pool. When Topper and Kelce showed up with cups and liquor I asked them not to make any comments tonight. I bet they can see right through me, but what's one night? We'd be lying if any of us claimed to have never been to a party on the cut.

The night progressed quickly. People poured in, in carpools or walking if they lived nearby. This was a weekly occurrence at this point, and everyone knew the drill. Grabbing the same drinks, music blasting, and the pool filling up. The pogues quickly scurried off to the side, minding their own business but drinking fast. I was certain they'd cause problems, hopefully, earlier than later. Messing with heavily drunk kooks never ended well for them, especially on our territory.

The night was half over before I realized it. Parties when I was on Barry's bad side weren't as exciting, but still fun. I had been keeping an eye on Lottie all night. I wanted to make sure she stayed. Every time she came inside to get a drink she was accompanied by another pogue. I couldn't help but hope to get her alone again.

Eventually, the music started getting too loud. It felt like my brain was buzzing inside my skull and my ears were ringing. I retreated to the kitchen where only a few people lingered. They had all found a fix somewhere and were inside to avoid the music as well. Eventually, Lottie came back in. This time followed only by Sarah. They stood at the counter for a bit while Sarah opened a new drink. A minute later, Lottie went down the hall to the bathroom.

I waited a few moments before following behind, glancing at Sarah as I walked past. Hopefully, she was bright enough to take the hint. I stood against the wall until I heard the door open. She jumped when she saw me.

"Geez, you scared me. Is this your only bathroom?"

"I was waiting for you," I replied. She didn't say anything, but she didn't attempt to walk away either. I continued, "Why don't we go somewhere quiet?"

I headed back down the hall and up the stairs as Lottie followed close behind. It was such a beautiful night outside, no one had seeped this far into the house yet. We walked around the landing over to the front balcony. I leaned against the railing, watching the people chatting around the front lawn.

"Thank you for helping me out," Lottie said. I scoffed at her, help with what?

"Maybe I just enjoy spending time with you." I smiled down at her.

"I don't think I believe that, Rafe. You don't enjoy anything."

I acted as if I was offended, which got us both laughing. 'Oh give me a break, me, not enjoy anything? What do you call this party, then? Community service?"

"When it comes to friends your options are pouty and hothead. You can't blame me for thinking I'm a bit out of your league." She replied.

"Oh now that's just harsh," I grabbed at my heart, "Did you hear that? That's my heart shattering." She leaned in.

"I didn't even know you had a heart in there!" She was still giggling.

"Yeah, it's about as big as your head." I turned back to the balcony. She leaned too, facing me. "I enjoyed spending time with you, too."

We continued to chat for a bit, about past sleepovers and times I had to pick her and Sarah up from school. We joked about times I had tried, and failed, to cook the girls breakfast. She had seen Ward lose his temper on me, and I watched Barry do the same to her.

"Hey if you ever need anything," I handed her my phone on an empty contact, "and I mean anything. You call me. Okay?"

"Okay. I'll be sure to let you know when I want a slushie at 2 am." She handed the phone back. Her contact name read "Cherry".

"Cool, whatever you want. Uh, you think the pogues are looking for you yet?" I asked. I didn't want her to leave, but I wasn't sure what else to say.

"Sarah probably assumes I just went to bed. Or they already put out a search warrant." She went and sat on the couch while I stayed at the railing. We stayed in silence for a bit.

"Rafe, I don't know what I'm gonna do about Barry." Lottie looked plagued with thought. I went and sat next on the other side of the couch, almost afraid to get too close.

"You don't have to worry about him. I mean, my dad. My dad's known you forever, we all have. We won't let you go without." I wasn't sure how to direct the conversation. The guys usually spilled their emotions and the advice was easy. This wasn't so simple, and I wanted to be careful. She wasn't fragile, but I felt the need to be gentle.

"He's my brother, though. I can't just leave and start a new life here or something, you know? You get it. I know you do."

"I'm sorry Lottie." She had her head in her hands, so I continued. "Family is hard, right? You want to love them. It's the worst thing, and then you don't. Then that's the worst too. You didn't do anything wrong, though. He's not your dad. Cherry. Hey," I placed a hand on her back to get her to look at me. "You can do what you want. You know that, right?"

"I've been trying to get a job but it's like no one wants to hire pogues. Everyone thinks I'm some kinda undermine for Barry, everyone thinks I just live off of him. I guess I do, but I don't want to. I don't want handouts. I'm trying, but it's like nothing is working out for me right now." She sighed.

"Something will work out for you, I'm sure of it. You're smart, and funny, and a hard worker. All I'm saying is if you need something to fall back on, you have us." I wished I could do more for her, but she was never one to accept help.

"I'm sorry to just drop all of this on you Rafe," She laughed, looking away.

"Don't be, I get it. I know we haven't been great friends in the past but I've still known you forever. Sometimes you need a fresh face thrown in the mix. I'm sure those pogues get real old real quick."

"Hey!" She was laughing again.

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She's with me (a Rafe Cameron story)Where stories live. Discover now