Rainy Nights

312 4 1

summary: Tai and Van play in the rain (omfg this sounds so boring)

word count: 314


Taissa and Van were sitting on the front porch of the cabin, watching the rain pour down in sheets. The rest of the Yellowjackets were inside, safe and dry from the storm. But Taissa and Van didn't mind getting wet. It was liberating to be out in the rain, feeling the cold droplets hit their skin.

As the minutes ticked by, they started to mess around, chasing each other through the yard and laughing as they slipped and slid on the wet grass. It felt like they were the only two people left in the world.

A few hours passed before they decided to go inside. They were soaked to the bone and shivering, but the adrenaline was still coursing through their veins.


Once inside, they dried off and changed into dry clothes. Taissa went to the bathroom to put her hair up while Van settled on the couch. When she returned, they cuddled up together under a warm blanket.

It was quiet at first. They were content to simply be near each other, enjoying the closeness of their bodies. The sound of the rain tapping against the window was soothing.

"I never thought I'd be doing something like this," Taissa said, breaking the silence.

"What, playing around in the rain?" Van asked with a chuckle.

"No, just...being with someone like you," Taissa admitted, feeling vulnerable.

Van turned to her, her expression soft. "I know what you mean. I'm glad we found each other."

They shared a smile before returning to their comfortable silence. Taissa was grateful for this moment of peace, where she didn't have to worry about the competition or the dangers of the wilderness. She could just be with Van and forget about everything else for a little while.

The rain continued to fall outside, but inside the cabin, Taissa and Van were warm and safe in each other's arms.

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