My first friend...

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Narrator POV
The next day
Yuu woke to police officers talking then one of the officers saw that Yuu was awake.
"Oh you're awake," said one of the officers
"Y-yea" Yuu replied.
Then Yuu was reminded of the events that occur the day before. Memories of the monster eating his fellow sibling rushed back into his mind. Yuu immediately started to tear up wishing that his family was still alive
"Why WHY?! Why did it have to be them!?" Yuu thought.
Then one of the officers pats him on the back.
"It's ok kid, you'll move on eventually." an officer said while comforting Yuu.

Another female officer came to get Yuu to send him to the orphanage that was in Tokyo.

Yuu lived in Hamamatsu and the orphanage was in Tokyo so it'll take 2 hours and 3o minutes by car.

8:27 am
Yuu got in a police car to take him to the orphanage.
During the ride, the officer kept asking questions about Yuu's family. Yuu replied by saying how kind they were to other people and that they help other people if they had the chance.

2 hours and 3o minutes later.
Yuu arrived at the orphanage where he was escorted inside where they were met by a lady in her mid-30s.
"Hey, how may I help you today?" the lady asked.
"Yea, I'm here to drop off this child here." said the police officer.
"So why is he being dropped for?" The lady asked.
"His family was recently murdered and he needs a place to stay." said the police officer.
"Oh you poor thing" the lady frowned." Alright right this way please"
Yuu was toured around the orphanage showing Yuu where everything is.
This isn't a regular orphanage, the orphanage Yuu was staying at provided education for the children staying there. Then lady led Yuu to a door where she knocked on the door.  Then another lady came out of the room that looked more like a classroom.
"Oh hey," said the other that came out of the room.
"So we have a new kid here, and j was hoping he'd be in your class," said the lady in 3o's
"Ok ill take it from here," said the other lady.
Alright, I'll be going now" said the lady in her 30s as she walked away.
"Alright so my name is Chiyo Yamamoto," said Chiyo."And what's your name?"
"M-my name is Yuu Hotoshi," Said Yuu.
"Well then welcome to my class Hotoshi." Said Chiyo
"T-thank y-you Miss Yamamoto," said Yuu while bowing.
"Your welcome Hotoshi, now wait here for a sec."
Said Chiyo.
"Ok," Yuu replied.
In the classroom

"Alright, kids quiet down," said Chiyo
As the kids stopped talking and all the kids started to look at her.
"Sk today we are going to have a new kid in the orphanage so treat them like he is our family ok?" asked Chiyo.
"Ok," All the kids replied.
"Alright, you can come in now," yelled Chiyo
Then the door slides open revealing Yuu. Yuu walked to the front of the classroom and stood beside Chiyo.
"So can you please introduce yourself to the class?" asked Chiyo.
"H-hai," Yuu said." M-my name is Yuu Hotoshi and I hope we can all be friends!"
"Thank you, now you're gonna sit beside Hoshino," Said Chiyo. "Hoshino please raise your hand, please.
Then a girl with purple hair and purple eyes with shining star pupils raised up her hand.

Then a girl with purple hair and purple eyes with shining star pupils raised up her hand

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Yuu walked to the desk beside Ai's desk and sat on the seat.

After Yuu sat down he started to hear a sound like someone was whispering near him.

"Hey pssst~"
Yuu then looked where the sound and he saw the girl with star eyes looking at him while smiling

"Oh hey, my name is Ai Hoshino what's yours?" Asked Ai.
"O-oh my name is Yuu Hotoshi," said Yuu.
"It's nice to meet you Hotoshi, I hope we can become friends." Said Ai while smiling.
"Y-yea" stuttered Yuu.
"Yuu and Ai stop talking," Chiyo spoke out.
"Sorry, Miss Yamamoto!" Yuh and Ai said at the same time.
Then suddenly the bell rang
"Alright kids enjoy your lunch break," Said Chiyo.
As the kids walked out of class Ai came up to Yuu.
"Hey Hotoshi, wanna go get lunch together?" Asked Ai with a smile.
"O-oh sure" Yuu replied with a little blush.
"Alright then let's go!" Ai said as she grabbed Yuu's hand dragging him to the cafeteria.
After they went to the cafeteria and got their food, they found a table to sit at. Once they sat down they started eating. Then Ai asked a question that was pretty sensitive to Yuu.
"Hey Hotoshi, what are you here for?" Ai asked.
Then Yuu froze as again the memories of last night came back to him and he started to shake. This concerned Ai and she asked if he was ok. Yuu said he was ok as he stopped shaking.
Are you sure you're ok?" Ai asked a little concerned.
"Y-yea" Yuu replied.
"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it," said Ai.
"N-no it's ok, I'll tell you," said Yuu.
"Ok then" replied Ai.
"The reason why I'm here is because..... My family was a monster" Yuu said while looking down.
"O-oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought up that question," Ai said with a sad look.
"No no, it's ok but tell why are you here?" Yuu asked the same question.
"Well, my mom would abuse me and one day she was arrested for theft so I was put in this place until she got out. But when she got out, she never came to pick me up." Ai said with her star pupils turning black

" Ai said with her star pupils turning black

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Yuu said.

"Naw it's ok," Ai said.
"Hoshino?" Yuu said
"Yeah, what's up," Ai asked.
"I wanna promise you something," Yuu stated.
"Yea, so what's the promise?" Ai asked.
Then Yuu grabbed Ai's hands and looked into her eyes which still had back stars.
"I promise that ill always be there for you if you need anyone to talk to and anyone to be there for you when you are feeling down, you can call me, and you can talk about your problems with me and I promise that ill support you!" Yuu stated with a smile.

 "I promise that ill always be there for you if you need anyone to talk to and anyone to be there for you when you are feeling down, you can call me, and you can talk about your problems with me and I promise that ill support you!" Yuu stated with...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Really?!" Ai yelled.
"Yea," Yuu replied with a big smile on his face."I promise"
Then suddenly Ai pulled Yuu into a tight hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ai kept repeating.
"Your welcome Hoshino" Yuu said with a smile.
                             Authors Note
I hope you like this chapter cause it took all day since I kept getting interrupted while writing this chapter you can leave a comment on how it was and please tell me that there are mistakes so j can go back and fix them
Thank you!

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