Part 10 - Andrew Davila

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June 30 2:30 AM

It's been a few days since Lexi's mom kicked her out and she's been staying with me. Today she woke up in the middle of the night and got up to the bathroom. She never goes to the bathroom at this time. I could hear her throwing up so I get up and go to the bathroom.

"You okay babe?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm-" She throws up mid sentence. I help her by grabbing her hair.

"Maybe you got food poisoning from the food we ate yesterday." I tell her.

"Maybe, but would I be throwing up this much?" She asks me with worry.

"I don't know babe, but if you really don't feel good then we could go to the doctor later." I tell her and rub her back.

"I think I'm done." She says and gets up. "Ima brush my teeth really quickly you could go back to bed."

"Alright just tell me if you need anything Lex." I tell her. I go back to bed and wait for her. When she comes back I spoon her and rub her stomach. We both fall asleep and wake up at 9 AM. Lexi wakes up still feeling bad.

"Good morning princesa, how do you feel?" I ask her.

"Good morning babe. I still feel like throwing up." She says and grabs her stomach.

"Do you think you could eat?" I ask.

"I don't think so, I'm just gonna throw it up."

"Ima make some breakfast and a smoothie. Please try to at least drink the smoothie to clear up your stomach." I tell her.

"I'll try." She says and turns around. I get ready and go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I make Lexi's smoothie and put it in a cup. I take it to her and I make sure she drinks it.

"Andrew I don't feel good at all. I keep throwing up." She says and put her back against the headboard.

"Okay then let's go to the doctor." I say and sit next to her. "Come on babe, you need help getting up?" I ask her.

"No I'm not that sick." She says and laughs. She gets up and gets ready. We leave right after she gets ready. We get to the doctors office and make a walk-in appointment. They call Lexi's name a few minutes later.

"Hi I'm Doctor Dolores. It's nice to see you again Alexa. Is this your brother?." The doctor asks.

"No he's my boyfriend actually." Lexi says with a smile.

"Nice to meet you I'm Andrew." I say shaking hands with the doctor.

"Nice meeting you too. So why are you here today Alexa?"

"I've been throwing up a lot in the morning and my stomach hurts a lot. I try everything to help it but it doesn't stop." Lexi tells the doctor.

"Okay let's do some tests." The doctor says. She took a sample of Lexi's blood and went out the room to test it. She came back a few minutes later.

"Okay so everything is okay, I just want to do an ultrasound. Is that alright with you?" The doctor asks Lexi.

"Yeah it's fine." She says with a confused look. Lexi lifts up her sweatshirt and the doctor puts a gel on her stomach. She rubs a wand sort of thing on her stomach.

"Can you guys see that?" The doctor asks us and points at a screen.

"What is it?" I ask and look at Lexi, who looks back at me.

"It's a baby, Alexa you're pregnant." The doctor tells us.

"Wait what?" Lexi looks at me. "I thought you wore a condom?"

"I did. But I think I took it off the last time we did it." I tell her.

"Oh shit. Andrew what are we gonna do?" She says as the doctor prints out the picture of the baby.

"There are many choices Alexa. You could abort right now that the baby hasn't developed that much, you could keep the baby, or you could put it up for adoption." The doctor tells her.

"I could never abort. I've always said I was going to keep the baby when I would get pregnant. So im going to keep it." Lexi says and looks at me for approval.

"Im okay with everything you choose to do. I'll support you no matter what." I tell her.

"Okay well just give me a call if you change your mind. I'll also be your Obstetrician from now on." The doctor says and gives us the picture.

"Thank you so much again." Lexi says and we walk out to the car.

"I'm sorry Lexi I thought I kept it on." I tell her.

"It's okay Andrew it's not entirely your fault. I told you to take it off." She tells me.

"Ima be here to help you raise the baby. I'm not letting you raise it alone." I tell her.

"How am I supposed to tell my parents? They don't want me in the house, so are they not going to want our baby?" She says and looks down.

"Look if they don't want to see the baby then they're not worth wasting our time. We have many other people to support us. Let's just go to the Amp house and tell our friends and then afterwards we can try and tell your parents." I tell her.

"Okay I guess we could try." She says. "I'm kinda excited for the baby." She smiles.

"I'm excited too. I can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl." I tell her. "I'm hoping we have a girl."

"Well I want a boy." Lexi says.

"We'll see in a few months." I say. We start driving to the Amp house and call everyone in the group. Lexi seems nervous to tell them. The person she seems more nervous to tell is Brent.

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