You propped the boys up. Checking their heartbeats and temperature. Getting straight to the point and checking they were okay. Doing thorough checks, and ensuring you weren't missing a single detail on these boys. You couldn't lose them too, especially not after losing Ilha.

The two slowly walked in, seeing the full massacre. It was hard for anyone to process but they noticed you getting straight to helping the boys who were injured. They both stood behind you, watching as you tore off the jacket sleeve of Taemans raincoat so you could examine the bullet wound better.

"Check for anyone else." You said not even looking at them. They watched you for a second longer before doing so. Trying to see if anyone else was okay. Nara running down the corridor and soon coming back in with Bora and Aesol. Bora's leg badly hurt, they put her down next to Taeman and WuTaek. You turned to her , squeezing her leg slightly which caused her to groan.

"I need a scarf and any medicine you can find" you demanded without any hesitation , the three quickly trying to find it. No one wasting any time, the time too precious as it was so fragile for the three of them. As you stayed occupied the three finally began to realise what had happened, their emotions kicking in. All crying as they watched. The cry's they let out were horrifying but you couldn't let the damage of this event get any worse.

A few hours later , you had moved the three to another classroom. On the complete opposite side of the building, in the process of moving you had found Hana crying in one of the classrooms. You checked on her and when you saw she was healthy and just shocked you all began moving again. The five of you who were unharmed sat in a small circle. Silence taking over the group as the three injured rested.

"I'm sorry..." you spoke up first , looking at them all. "If I had reacted quicker it wouldn't have been this bad" you admitted getting very emotional thinking about what had just happened. Feeling it was your fault for not getting up to the classroom quick enough to be able to stop the psychotic boy. And then it wouldn't just be seven of you left.

"It's not your fault" Aesol said. It was as if the tables turned between you two, not that it was a bad thing. It just showed how much you had all grown, not only becoming more mature but the relationships you had all built, growing to become life long friendships or more. She looked at you from the other side of the circle. "If you didn't turn up the result could have been worse" she said truthfully, something none of you wanted to think about. You nodded, biting your lip slightly as you tried to not get too emotional.

It went silent again. "What are we going to do?" Hana asked speaking up, she looked as if something had died inside of her. None of you were shocked she was like this but it wasn't a pleasant sight to see from the bubbly girl.

"We have to go to Seoul" Kimchi said in a dominant tone, although it wasn't necessary as the four of you nodded agreeing with the boy immediately . You wiped your tears away getting up. "I'll go see if there's anything useful in the third year classroom and grab our bags" you said as you started walking to the door, Nara got up following you "Me too". The two of you walked in complete silence towards the classroom. Getting to the corridor was enough to stop you both. You had to prepare yourselves for this. You both looked at each other for some sort of extra push to make the first steps into the horrific scene.

"We don't have to-" Nara said , knowing fully well it was a lot especially since the event had only just occurred. Maybe it was for you or it was for her. It's not like any of you were okay after witnessing the bloodshed of those you cared about greatly.

"Our survival is key now. We can't let our efforts go to waste , we can't let them die in vain. We have to make it to Seoul"

The two of you slowly entered the classroom. Both of you having to hold back tears as you looked at the scene in front of you both. Two of the least emotional class members and neither of you could hold it in. Walking into the room you carefully tried to not step on anyone as it would be disrespectful towards them all. You headed straight to your side of the classroom, rummaging through bags and collecting ammunition and fire arms for the others.

Shoot ~ Duty after school x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum