Part 1,School

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I woke up panting, I had just had the most terrible nightmare of my life, but I'm not going to tell you yet Y/N, *Sigh* I guess I'll tell you a bit.

Well it was about my siblings, they all...were murdered , I know it's just a dream but I just wanna check to make sure they're okay.

I walked over to Sumire's room she laid there peacefully as if my dream never existed, her grey-brown hair in the braids Aruki had done the day before. I blink my sky blue eyes as I walk toward the door to get to school.


Where's Aruki and Sora, are they already at school, I think frantically.

I chuckle "Silly me, I forgot Aruki goes to the high school and Sora's in 5th grade they would have already left" I look behind me before I go to school, I can't wait for school.

I walk quickly towards the school, my black dress flowing behind me and my heels clicking with every step as I brush a lock of my blonde hair behind my ear.

As I approach the school I see my old bully Amai pinning a girl to a locker behind the window. The gurl had pale lavender hair and seemed to be wearing a pink version of the health club uniform.

I slowly opened the door to see what Amai was doing to that poor girl and I overheard some things I would rather forget.

"Oh sweetie can't we do it just once" Amai begged "I- I don't know Amai, you know it would be my first time" she awkwardly spoke in a quiet voice "C'mon Misaki I'll show you all the ropes, literally" Misaki turned away "Fine but after school's over, okay", I walked away before Amai could speak.

You witnessed that too, right Y/N, I quickly ran down the hallway, also remind me not to use the bathroom after school okay.

I slid into my homeroom classroom, my teacher Ms. Hanajiko sitting at her desk typing stuff, I waved at her when I realised that there was someone at my desk.

I walked over to them and realised it was a guy and he was talking to the popular kids, so I quietly tapped his shoulder.

"Ummm hey you're at my seat, my last name's on it" I pointed at my desk "Oh sorry miss" he looked at my desk, his forest green eyes squinted "Tomashi" he stood up and sat at another desk, his caramel brown hair blunt with every word he said "Well he's very nice" says Y/N in my head.

Why am I narrating this, I think as I sit my head down on my desk.

Semi-cringe Y/N story {Beg On Your Knees}Where stories live. Discover now