001 : no goodbyes.

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just as she was about to let her tears get the best of her, she felt gentle hands on her shoulders, giving them a squeeze of comfort. warily peering behind her, she found her older brother, aiyden, who had tears welled up in his eyes as well. he's been pacing back and forth since they arrived, all sorts of thoughts racing through his mind when they got the news of their father's worsened condition.

the three of them swiftly snapped their heads towards the direction of the shuffling sound. they watched attentively as marvin slowly opened his eyes, but closed them to adjust to the bright lights. when they noticed he was signalling that he wanted to sit up, aiyden and reyna rushed to their father's aid while their mother went to get him a glass of water in case he was thirsty.

elvira assisted him in gulping down the water since he could hardly hold the glass up himself. due to his weight loss over the past months, the hospital gown he was wearing was way too big for him. his eyes were sunken, but they were just like reyna's, right down to color and shape. as he tiredly closed and opened them, they noticed the dark circles underneath them. the siblings tried their hardest to maintain their composure while observing their father, but the view beyond them was becoming extremely difficult to see.

hearing his two children cries, marvin murmured a quiet "come here," while caressing the edges of his hospital bed. as they approached their father, they sat on each side of the hospital bed like instructed. he embraced both of them in his arms as they cried, letting them get all of their emotions out. when they calmed down, he cleared his throat and broke the silence that filled the room once again.

"now, what did i say about all that crying, huh?" his voice was weak, hardly audible, yet still held that tenderness. he proceeded to take their hands in his, pausing as he stared at his precious children.

"that you'll be with us no matter what," both siblings responded in unison. marvin nodded, opening his mouth to add to their response when he began to tense up in pain. aiyden and reyna stepped away from their father instantly, asking whether he was alright or if he needed anything.

"i'm alright, kiddos," he spoke dismissively. "i just need to lie down for a bit." their mother carefully helped their father back into his lying position, holding back the tears. she didn't want her husband to see her cry, she wanted to be strong for him.

elvria went to the phone and dialed his oncologist after noticing he was groaning in pain. the doctor told them that as soon as they were ready, he'd administer morphine for the pain since it was the only thing they could do for him at the time. especially if it meant he would depart the world painlessly.

the oncologist walked in, gave sympathetic smiles to reyna, aiyden, and their mother. he injecting the morphine inside the short tube that was connected to marvin's vein. when he was done, he informed them that it was best to say their goodbyes while he was still awake.

for the first time since they'd arrived, elvira came up to her husband's side and spoke to him. she knelt down to his level and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, lightly kissing all over his face. reyna and aiyden could see tears fall from their father's eyes as a result of the sweet gesture from where they were standing.

"my love..." elvira continues to tell her husband, "i love you so much," amid light cries, her voice quivering as she spoke.

"marvin solace, i love you... i love you with all my heart, and i just want to tell you how great you've done." elvira gave him one more look in the eyes and pressed a long yet passionate kiss on his lips before stepping away while rushing to wipe her tears.

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