"The Cluster." Peridot says.

"What's happening?" Alexis asks as the surroundings begin to tremor.

"It's too late! It's taking form! Steven, Alexis I'm sorry I couldn't save you or the billions of other lifeforms who matter far far less to me. Do you have any last words?!" Peridot asks in fear.

"I love you Peridot, Alexis." Steven says as he hugs Alexis and Peridot.

"I second that." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Wow thanks." Peridot says before she hugs back.

"Uh what's happening?' Alexis asks as she looks at the screen activity on the cluster.

"It's still struggling to take its form! This means we still might have time. There's still a chance! Just a little repositioning." Peridot says as she repositions the drill over the cluster.

"Peridot, Alexis I don't think we should hurt the cluster. I don't think it knows what it's doing." Steven says unsurely.

"It doesn't matter if it knows what it's doing. It's still going to do it." Peridot says as the drill goes toward the cluster and breaks through to make contact with the cluster as Steven groans in pain.

"Steven are you alright?" Alexis asks as she looks at Steven in concern.

"What? Is the increased vibration causing damage to your head holes?" Peridot asks worriedly.

"I don't know!" Steven shouts.

"We're not even piercing the crust yet! I need to increase power! Are you going to be okay?" Peridot asks.

"Yeah, yeah. I think it's just the noise... I think. Keep going." Steven says.

"Affirmative. Activating triple tip penetration mode!" Peridot shouts as the drill breaks into three parts as it continues to attack the cluster.

"Uh is that supposed to happen?" Alexis asks as she sees one of the drills break off.

"Runaway drill!" Steven shouts in alarm.

"There! Just gotta keep balance!" Peridot shouts as she balances the drill on two drills.

"Okay..." Steven says before he screams and collides into Alexis and Peridot causing Peridot to lose balance of the machine.

"I don't know if it's going to hold!" Peridot shouts as the machine throws the group back into their seats.

"I don't understand what's happening! Argh!" Steven shouts as he appears in visible distress.

"Steven?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"What's wrong?!" Peridot asks in alarm.

"I don't know!" Steven shouts.

"Steven!" Peridot shouts as she and Alexis rush over to Steven seeing him gem glowing.

"Steven what's happening?" Alexis asks worriedly as Steven goes unresponsive.

"Steven! Wake up!" Peridot shouts as Steven wakes up.

"It doesn't wanna form!" Steven shouts as Alexis and Peridot give confused looks.

"What?" Peridot asks.

"What are you talking about?" Alexis asks.

"The cluster. We gotta put it in a bubble!" Steven shouts.

"Bubble that?! Hah there's no way!" Peridot shouts before Alexis looks at the cluster.

"Look!" Alexis shouts as the group sees bubbles forming around the cluster.

"They're bubbling each other! I've got you. You've got this. We've all got each other!" Steven says as he puts his hands on the floor and manages to help bubble the cluster.


"You did it!" Peridot shouts as she and Alexis buf Steven once the group arrives back at the barn.

"You were amazing Steven!" Alexis says happily.

"We did it together. And it was great! Guys! You're back! I-is Lapis okay?" Steven asks as the group sees the others arrive with an unconscious Lapis.

"She'll be fine." Garner says reassuringly.

"You look happy! Uh did you destroy the Cluster?" Pearl asks happily.

"No I talked to it." Steven says to the shock of the others.

"What?" Pearl asks.

"It doesn't wanna destroy the Earth. It just wants company. And it's got it now. It's like a bajillion people! They'll have lots of time to get to know each other now that they're in a bubble." Steven says happily.

"How on Earth did you bubble that whole thing?!" Pearl asks in shock.

"We had a little help." Steven says happily.

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