[ 001 ] cats always land on their feet

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i. cats always land on their feet

THE SENSATION OF ENDLESS malfunctions spiralling through her limbs in a multicoloured ray of perplexing sensitivity had been one of the most abnormal experiences in the fourteen years Felicity Amber had been alive

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THE SENSATION OF ENDLESS malfunctions spiralling through her limbs in a multicoloured ray of perplexing sensitivity had been one of the most abnormal experiences in the fourteen years Felicity Amber had been alive. One moment, she and her blonde companion Gwen Stacey were on the verge of having their heads caved in by the second villain of the week, before a swirling oval of chromatic coils suddenly materialised behind them, engulfing them both in before they had a chance to prevent it.

The sequence after had left her swirling with nausea as the suit encasing her skin itched at her burning flesh, a frightening warmth flooding through her veins, like a tsunami of constant heat. Wether or not a scream had rippled past her throat, she didn't know. At intense speeds her body had been sent barrelling through a tunnel of infinite dimensions, sending shockwaves of uncertain adrenaline through her as her body descended into the nothingness of vibrance and colour.

The cosmos of endlessness around the two girls expanded into realms of limitless destinations before a smaller tunnel born of teal and lilac forced them inside. A blazing sheet of illuminated white blindfolded their sights, burning the illusion of emptiness through their vision as they plummeted downwards into a web of electric blue, separating the two as it spat them out into the blacked out city of Brooklyn. The sky, which had been coated with stars dazzling amongst the darkness of night, had rewinded into a cycle of amber and blue, grey and black; the rewind of time to one week prior.

a frantic yelp slipped from Felicity's throat as she landed upon the pavement of a Brooklyn sidewalk. Strings of curses echoed through her lips as her chest heaved, overwhelmed by the flurry of expression in her journey there. She was in New York City—Brooklyn to be exact. But not her Brooklyn. The streets here were cold and scattered with scheming mice amongst the dusty floors of the desolate city, not like the normal busyness of her and Gwen's New York.

At the remembrance of her gifted best friend, she turned to glance over her shoulder in expectancy. However, no sign of the white and black suited heroine appeared nearby. She was simply alone in a place she couldn't understand. "Gwen?" She called out in curiosity, though no response followed. An exasperated sigh dripped from her lips as she pushed herself to stand to up straighter, gazing around at her surroundings as she did so.

Where the short-haired blonde had somehow been transported to, Felicity wasn't able to identify her whereabouts as her feet tapped against the concrete pavements. Dressed in her familiar skin-tight black suit that adorned her skin, partnered with the diamond-shaped mask disguising her eyes, Felicity Amber stood out like a diamond flushed in coal. Around her waist, the weight of her grappling hook rested securely on her diamond-crested belt. Glancing around once more to examine if anybody was nearby, the girl unsecured the grappling hook before aiming up towards the top of a nearby building in hopes of getting a better view of her surroundings.

𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞, m.moralesWhere stories live. Discover now