.+*Teen Fiction Results*+.

Start from the beginning

Grammar/spelling: [8] There are errors in regards to dialogue and punctuation, and a few minor typos here and there.

Story flow: [7.5] The story moves very quickly, so not all scenes are fully fleshed out making the story feel choppy. There was also a pretty big time skip overlooking a romance, which felt disjointed.

TOTAL: 56/70 OR 80.00%

5. Thirty Days with a Popstar by reenie03

Title: [8] The title is to the point, but a bit too on the nose.

Cover: [7] The image is intriguing. The font choices look a little busy, and I'm unsure what the 'two' in the star is meant to depict–it looks as though it's book two of the series.

Blurb: [9] The blurb clearly establishes the premise of the story. It could maybe use a bit more flair or creativity in regard to the delivery.

Plot: [8] The plot offers engaging drama, but at times, it comes across as a little predictable. Additionally, it's a bit slow moving, as readers don't meet the love interest for quite some time.

Characters: [9] There are many distinct characters with interesting backstories and unique motivations.

Grammar/spelling: [7] There are a number of grammatical errors in regards to dialogue. A few run-on sentences and misplaced commas. And in a few places, there are minor typos or an incorrect usage of certain words.

Story flow: [9] The story moved along nicely, but there in some spots, words were used repetitively within paragraphs or sentences which interrupted a seamless flow.

TOTAL: 57/70 OR 81.43%

4.The Offsprings by jeromebtches

Title: [9] The title sounds intriguing and dystopian.

Cover: [9] The image and colors are captivating, but the title font could pop a bit more.

Blurb: [7] The blurb is vague, and mostly refers to a prequel even though it is stated it doesn't need to be read.

Plot: [7] The story lacked a clear direction, and the early chapters were spent playing catch up to the characters from the prequel.

Characters: [8.5] The characters had distinct personalities and interesting dynamics, but some were introduced through 'telling' as opposed to 'showing.'

Grammar/spelling: [10] The story is very well-written.

Story flow: [9] Everything moves along nicely, but there are some parts that read as information dumps, which can take a reader out of the story.

TOTAL: 59.5/70 OR 85.00%

🥉I Made This Choice by craftychicken

Title: [9] The title is intriguing and fits the premise of the novel.

Cover: [9] The cover is attractive and professional, but doesn't scream teen fiction.

Blurb: [8] The blurb makes me want to read the story, but some sentences read as incomplete.

Plot: [8] The premise is intriguing, but the plot is moving a bit too fast. It could benefit from more tension and suspense.

Characters: [8.5] Each character has a distinct personality. At times, their dialogue reads as a little unnatural or over-dramatic.

Grammar/spelling: [8] There are errors in regard to dialogue and some minor inconsistencies in tenses.

Story flow: [10] The story moves from one scene to the next nicely.

TOTAL: 60.5/70 OR 86.43% 

🥈The Physics of Love by

Title: [9] The title is suited for teen fiction, and it makes sense for the plot.

Cover: [9] The cover is simplistic but executed nicely.

Blurb: [7.5] The blurb is a bit vague and mostly consists of questions.

Plot: [9.5] The plot is engaging and funny. At times, there is a bit of repetitiveness within the narrator's reflections.

Characters: [10] Biana has a unique voice, and each character is distinct and thought out.

Grammar/spelling: [8] There are a number of typos and run-on sentences. Also, there is error in the quotations of dialogue.

Story flow: [10] The story moves along nicely from one scene to the next.

TOTAL: 63/70 OR 90.00%

🥇I Blame Gravity by wanderedwriter

Title: [9] The title is cute, but it's not blatantly obvious how it relates to the plot.

Cover: [8.5] The cover captures the essence of the story, but appears a bit hodgepodge and the title font is difficult to read.

Blurb: [9] The blurb clearly states the premise, but the delivery could be more seamless.

Plot: [10] The plot was engaging and tied together with the overarching theme of a photography contest.

Characters: [10] The main characters are distinct and well-fleshed out.

Grammar/spelling: [9] There are minor punctuation errors in regard to dialogue and at least one small typo.

Story flow: [10] The story flows nicely even with jumping points of view.

TOTAL: 65.5/70 OR 93.57%

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