Start from the beginning

Was she really the same girl who was sitting on my couch a few days ago? Or worse, the girl from my nightmare?

I couldn't figure out what pissed me off more: How good she was at feigning a cheerful poise for the camera or how tight she held the man's hand.

Like father, like daughter, right? A poker family. Typical behavior of blue-blooded people.

For a minute, it hit me how much she was so out of my league. She trudged on the same field with page-oners; political heroes, top-notch business investors, national celebrities, and the rest of the notables. She was an upper-class. Born, bred, and served.

Maybe Dativa had always been right. Maybe I shouldn't be with Phoebe unless I wanted to ruin my life.

I was just a girl she met at the local college. Plain and penniless. I didn't even have the right to catch her attention.

"Doesn't it bother you?" Dativa inquired as she turned her attention back to her plate.

She forked her spaghetti down while I watched my appetite die, all because of a certain girl I saw on screen.

"What?" I glanced at her and placed my bowl on the table.

"The girl. Phoebe."

"That she's his daughter?" I watched as a host interviewed McQuinn. And not even for a second did he let Phoebe's hand go.

Maybe he finally came to his senses and learnt his manners? Unlikely.

"No," Dativa swallowed. "That she's blind."

I turned to look at the girl sitting at the other end of the couch.

Why would Phoebe's blindness bother me?

"No," I pointed, confused. Why would she even ask that? I seriously didn't expect her to say that. "Why would it?"

McQuinn even let the host interview Phoebe too, as if he hadn't fed us enough surprises for the day.

"Really?" Shock crossed Dativa's face. "It seriously doesn't bother you that she's blind? That she can't see anything? She can't fucking see you?"

She spoke as if she expected a certain reaction from me. One that would match hers.

But I casually watched as the people on screen trotted inside the venue to take their seats. McQuinn still not letting go of Phoebe, only when he moved to pull a chair for her. I didn't even know he could be such a gentleman. I wondered if he did that for Phoebe's mother, too.

"Not at all," I answered, shaking my head. "In fact, I've never been bothered by it."

Dativa stared at me for a while before squinting her eyes as if she couldn't understand the language I was speaking in.

McQuinn was then welcomed to give a speech about the ceremony.

"Don't you think it's a little weird to be with someone like her? Someone who's disabled?"

Of all the things I thought of my best friend, I didn't expect her to be biased about disabled people.

Yes, Phoebe was blind. So what? The fact that I was interested in her had nothing to do with her blindness. Wasn't love about a person's soul rather than the body? Did it matter if she was blind, crippled, mentally deranged, deaf, or whatsoever?

I didn't give two shits if Phoebe couldn't see me. I loved her, that's what mattered.

"Whether she can see or not, it doesn't change anything about the way I feel about her." I marked sternly.

Dativa looked at me in disbelief.

And I looked back at her with the same face. I mean, who knew she was so prejudiced?

Not me.

I ignored her and watched McQuinn ramble enthusiastically about his brand new discoveries and how he couldn't wait to share them with the world.

"Whatever," Dativa rolled her eyes. "But I think you need to think yourself through. You can't be with someone like that. You deserve better."

"She's not lacking anything." I held myself back from yelling.

In fact, if anyone was disabled, it was Dativa and her brain for acting like this out of nowhere.

"She's clearly blind! What do you mean she doesn't lack anything? Of all the girls on this planet you're gonna choose a disabled one? Really, Aves?"

Before I could open my mouth and finally yell at her, my phone rang.

Saved by the fucking bell.

I sighed before getting it, but froze the second I read the caller ID.

Blue-eyed beauty.

My finger hovered over the screen, wondering what she was up to.

I glanced at Dativa, whose expression revealed that she knew who was calling me.
Her face showed scorn initially, which later changed to disappointment, followed by rage, and then disappointment again.

With a curse, she dropped her plate on the table and stormed off to her bedroom.

What the hell was wrong with her suddenly?

Ignoring her for the meantime, I picked up the call.

"Phoebe -"

"Can you come over?"

Her voice was like fresh air breathed into my soul, taking all my feelings of misery away. I wished I had talked to her sooner. I wished I called her first.


"With how much everyone's talking about this famous event, I think everybody probably knows where I am right now."

That was it. That was all I needed-For her to let me know that I had a chance to be with her even after what happened. A chance to reconcile and try for an explanation. A chance I didn't know I could get. I didn't need to know what she wanted from me and I didn't care if she was going to drag me to hell. I could follow her anywhere.

"I'll be there in a few," I marked without even thinking, my eyes skimming the room for my jacket and shoes.

McQuinn was still ranting about his successes, but Phoebe was nowhere to be seen. Her seat was empty.

"You better."

I smiled.


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Love you all❤️

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