Start from the beginning

What did she mean by 'this'?

"Because I'm blind?" I scrunched my brows together.

She let out a breath.

"No, you bitch," she said. "It's not because you're blind."

I moved forward, but she pushed me back again and I wasn't sure, but I think I was leaning on a door.

"What, Nory?"

My eyelids were dying when I asked that. I was slowly losing my state of consciousness and I hoped she spat it out before I did so.

"The fact that you don't hate me back," her voice was stern this time. And I wasn't sure if she was angry or what. "I'm fucking poor. You were right when you said I was living off of your father's plate. I'm poor, I'm ugly, I'm a failure. I have no talent, I have no idea what to do with my life. I'm a disappointment to my parents. I'm a slut, I'm a–"

I held a hand over her lips before she could finish.

"You're everything but that."

"No," she pushed my hand away. "You're pretty, you're rich, you're kind, you're talented, and you're polite. You–you're everything I ever want to be, Phoebe! You have everything I want. You're my worst fucking nightmare!"

"I'm blind!" I cut in.

"And I wish I was too!" I heard her choke on a sob. "You're perfect, and I'm jealous of you."

"Nory–" I tried to move, but she held me in place.

"You're the Barbie doll I dreamed of affording when I was a little girl. But I couldn't."

A part of me broke in remorse despite all the times she had wronged me in the past.

Why was I so easy to forgive?

I never let wounds heal, I just let people in.

"You're soft-hearted," her voice cracked, and this time, I was sure she was crying. "You're a fucking angel on legs."

I had no idea what to do or say anymore.

Why did someone like her want to be like me?

I'd rather be her. She had a sense of sight, for god's sake, and I didn't! I was willing to risk anything to get a glimpse of the world.

A glimpse of wildflowers.

"That's why I hate you." She concluded, leaving me torn between slapping her and hugging her. But I knew I couldn't do the latter.

She still hated me. I felt like we had to choke each other dead to fade the tension. Everything we ever did for each other was from pure hate. The urge to kill each other was far greater than the urge to reconcile with each other.

My head fell onto her shoulder and that's when she got back to her senses and got me inside the backseat of her car before she popped into the front.

"I wonder what McQuinn would do to me if he discovers I got you drunk." She scoffed, fixing me before slamming the damn door hard enough to irritate me. I wished I had no sense of hearing too. It would've been so much better.

"Probably gift me with more money," she laughed off.

"You're out of your mind if you think my father doesn't care about me that much."

"Oh, I almost forgot," Nory chanted in a mocking tone. "He needs you to fulfill that brief assignment of his, doesn't he? I mean, at least he's finally making a good use of you. I like it."

Now I was confused and shocked.

I didn't know Papa was that close to Nory to disclose this much information to her.

How could he? She was a fucking prick and didn't need to know anything. In fact, he couldn't tell her anything. Right?

"What the hell do you even know of the assignment? You're just a nosy prick."

"Oh, really?" Nory was seriously enjoying where this topic was going and all I could be was tipsy and dumbfounded. "At least I know a certain little monster is involved."

I bet bemusement was written all over my face.

"You know of no monster."

"Oh dear," she was shuffling with something in the driver's seat. Her seatbelt, I presumed. "It's you who knows of no monster."

She was fucking crazy.

What did she mean by that?

"The only reason he hasn't given me the assignment on your stead is because you know that monster better than I do," Nory murmured, slyness dripping from her words. "In fact, you love that monster."

Nory revved the car to life as the liquor flowed deeper into my system, blacking me out as she drove me home.

I fucking hated Nory.


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